 WANG Shaowei,GAO Wenlong,XIAO Yanyu,et al.Appropriate concentration of ammonium chloride solution to accelerate calcium leaching of cement-based materials[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2024,36(05):71-77.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2024.05.008]





Appropriate concentration of ammonium chloride solution to accelerate calcium leaching of cement-based materials
王少伟 高文龙 肖焰钰 吴佳雯 SYED Piyar Ali Shah
常州大学 城市建设学院, 江苏 常州 213164
WANG Shaowei GAO Wenlong XIAO Yanyu WU Jiawen SYED Piyar Ali Shah
School of Urban Construction, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
水泥基材料 钙溶蚀 NH4Cl溶液浸泡法 最佳浓度
cement-based materials calcium leaching NH4Cl solution immersion method appropriate concentration
TU 525
选取0.2~6.0 mol/L的NH4Cl溶液作为溶蚀介质,使用全浸泡法对纯水泥净浆试件开展加速溶蚀试验,研究不同浓度NH4Cl溶液浸泡下试件的溶蚀深度、钙溶蚀量以及孔隙率随溶蚀时间的变化规律,并通过X射线衍射分析进行微观机理解释。结果发现,随着NH4Cl溶液浓度的升高,其对溶蚀深度和钙溶蚀量的时间变化规律拟合所得Fick扩散定律比例系数分别呈先线性增大、后线性降低和负指数函数增长的演变规律,浸泡81 d后的试件溶蚀区相同深度处的CaCO3衍射峰呈先降低、后增大的趋势。NH4Cl溶液浓度过高,将导致溶蚀环境下固相含钙水化物的溶解-扩散过程明显偏离自然浸水环境下水泥基材料的钙溶蚀机理,NH4Cl浸泡液浓度以3 mol/L为最佳。
To determine the optimum concentration of ammonium chloride solution within the range of 0.2—6.0 mol/L, accelerated leaching experiments were carried out on cement paste, and evolution laws of the leaching depth, cumulative relative leached calcium ion and porosity were studied. The microscopic mechanism was then analyzed by the X-ray diffraction analysis. The results show that the calcium leaching increases with the concentration of ammonium chloride solution. When the Fick's law of diffusion is represented by leaching depth and cumulative relative leached calcium ion, respectively, the obtained proportion coefficient increases linearly and then decreases in the former and exhibits a negative exponential growth trend in the latter. At the same depth of leached specimens, the diffraction peak of calcium carbonate decreases first and then increases. If the concentration of ammonium chloride solution is unreasonably high, it will make the calcium dissolution-diffusion process of cement-based materials significantly deviate from that of the actual mechanism in the natural environment, and the most appropriate concentration of ammonium chloride solution is 3 mol/L.


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收稿日期: 2024-03-09。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52278240)。
作者简介: 王少伟(1988—), 男, 陕西安康人, 博士, 副教授。E-mail: shaowei2006nanjing@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01