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A N ov el Decoupled 2- Lim b 3- T ranslat ion Parallel Mechanism and its K inem at ic Analy sis
沈惠平1 马正华2 金?? 琼3 杨廷力4
1.江苏工业学院机械工程系, 江苏 常州 213016; 2.江苏工业学院; 3.东南大学; 4.中国石化金陵石油化工有限责任公司
SHEN Hui- ping1 MA Zheng- hua2 JIN Qiong3 YANG Ting- li4
1. Department of Mechnical Eng ineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity, Changzhou 213016, China; 2. Jiangsu Polytechnic University; 3. Southeast U niversity; 4. China Pet rochemical Jinling Petrochemical Corporation
并联机构 并联机器人 运动分析 型综合 单开链
parallel mechanisms parallel robot ics kinemat ic analysis type synthesis single- opened - chain
TH 112; TP 242
基于以单开链为单元的并联机器人机构组成原理, 设计了一种动平台能实现空间三维纯移动的二腿并联机器人机构, 对 其进行了机构运动确定性分析、运动输出特性分析; 还给出了其位置分析的正、逆解析解及速度解析解, 讨论了该机构的输入 - 输出运动解耦性。
A novel decoupled 2- limb parallel robot mechanism with 3- dimension translation was synthesized and invest igated according to the st ructural theory of parallel mechanisms based on the units of the singleopened- chain limb. First , the structural characteristics analysis for the parallel mechanism including mobility analysis and mot ion output analysis was addressed; then the closed- formed analyt ic solutions w ere developed for both the forward and inverse position as well as the velocity , moreover, input- output motion relationship was also discussed. The analysis work provided a solid foundation for kinematics, dynamics, mechanical structural design and potent ial industrial application of the novel parallel robot mechanism.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( 青年创新人才) 项目( BK2001413) ; 国家自然科学基金项目( 50275070) 作者简介: 沈惠平( 1965- ) , 男, 江苏吴江人, 教授, 主要从事机构学、机械设计及设计方法学的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2003-09-25