 JIANG Zhi- guo,SHAN Yu- hua,Zho u Yong- sheng,et al.Study of the Dehydroamination of Ethanol to Acetonitrile Catalyzed by Copper- Based Composite Oxides[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(04):19-23.





Study of the Dehydroamination of Ethanol to Acetonitrile Catalyzed by Copper- Based Composite Oxides
蒋志国 单玉华 周永生 张元元 李明时
常州大学江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213164
JIANG Zhi- guo SHAN Yu- hua Zho u Yong- sheng ZHANG Yuan- y uan LI Ming- shi
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Fine Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
铜基复合氧化物 催化剂 脱氢氨化 乙腈 乙醇 合成
Copper- based composite ox ides cataly st dehydroaminat ion acetonit rile ethanol synthesis
T Q 2261 61
采用共沉淀法制备两个铜基复合氧化物Cu - ZnO- La2O3- Al 2O3 ( CZLA) 和Cu- ZnO- T iO2- Al2 O3 ( CZTA) , 用于 催化乙醇脱氢氨化合成乙腈。对CZL A 和CZT A 进行H 2- T PR、SEM、XRD、BET 分析与表征。分别考察了不同反应温度下 C ZLA 和CZTA 催化乙醇氨化脱氢合成乙腈反应的活性和选择性。结果表明: CZLA 和C ZT A 都可有效催化乙醇脱氢氨化合成 乙腈, 并且在270- 300 e 催化活性较高, 310 e 以后催化活性呈下降趋势。CZLA 中的活性组分结晶度低、分散度高、颗粒 细、比表面积大及复合组分间作用强, 从而使CZLA 较CZTA 具有更高的活性和热稳定性。在CZLA 催化作用下, 控制乙醇液 相进料空速为01 25 h - 1, 氨与乙醇进料物质的量比为( 4- 5) ∶1, 于280- 290 e 连续反应21 d 后, 乙醇转化率由第1 d 的 97.7%下降为83.1%、乙腈选择性由第1 d 的98.3%下降为90.2%。
Tw o Cu- based composite cataly st s, Cu- ZnO- La2O3 - Al2O3 ( CZLA) and Cu- ZnO- T iO2 - A l2O3 ( CZT A) , fo r the sy nthesis o f acetonitrile f rom ethanol dehydroamination, w ere prepar ed by coprecipitat ion method. CZLA and CZT A w ere analyzed and characterized by H2 - TPR, SEM, XRD and BET . T heir catalyt ic perfo rmance in ethanol conversion and acetonit rile selectivity w er e ev aluated at var-i o us temperatur es. The results indicated that both CZLA and CZT A can convert ethanol into aceto nit rile effect ively, show ing high act ivity w ithin 270- 300 e and displaying a dow nw ard t rend abov e 310 e . CZLA is more act iv e and thermal ly stable than CZT A due to low er crystal linity, greater specific surface area, smaller part icles, higher dispersity of act iv e compo nents and st ronger inter act io n betw een composite component s. U sing CZLA as a catalyst , car rying out the react ion at 280- 290 e w ith an ethano l LHSV of 01 25 h- 1 and the mo lar rat io of NH3 B ethanol as ( 4- 5) B 1 cont inously, the conversio n o f ethanol and the select iv ity of acetonit rile dro pped fr om 971 7% and 981 3% at the first day, to 831 1% and 901 2% at the 21st day, respect ively.


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基金项目: 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室开放研究课题( 200606) ; 常州大学科技资金资助项目( 2005) ; 常州大 学大学生创新资金资助项目( 2008) 作者简介: 蒋志国( 1984- ) , 男, 江苏南京人, 硕士; 通讯联系人: 单玉华。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25