[1]李金华,袁宁一,李 坤,等.二氧化锡衬底上Sol -Gel PLT 膜的性能研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2001,(02):1-4.
 LI Jin -hua,YUAN Ning -yi,LI Kun,et al.Fer roelectr ic Proper ties of Sol -Gel PLT Films on Tin -oxide Electrodes[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2001,(02):1-4.

二氧化锡衬底上Sol -Gel PLT 膜的性能研究()




Fer roelectr ic Proper ties of Sol -Gel PLT Films on Tin -oxide Electrodes
李金华1 袁宁一1 李 坤2 汤国英2 陈王丽华2
1.江苏石油化工学院功能材料实验室, 江苏 常州 213016;2.香港理工大学, 九龙香港
LI Jin -hua1 YUAN Ning -yi1 LI Kun2 K .Y .To ng2 H .L .W .Chan2
1 .Functional Materials Lab ., Jiangsu Institute of Pet rochemical Technology , Changzhou 213016 , China ; 2 .Hong Kong Poly technic Universi ty , Kow loon , Ho ng Kong
PLT 薄膜氧化物电极溶胶-凝胶法
PLT thin f ilm tin oxide elect rode Sol -Gel method
T N 384 ;TB 43 ;O 484.1 ;O 484.4
用Sol-Gel 钛酸镧铅(PLT) 溶胶, 在CVD 法沉积生成的二氧化锡/ 玻璃衬底上旋转涂胶成膜。经快速热退火(RTA) 处理后, 用X 射线衍射(XRD) 测试了膜的结晶取向, 用RT66A 测试了膜的电学性能。结果表明, Sol-Gel PLT 膜在SnO2 衬 底上能正常结晶, 结晶温度与在Pt 衬底上一致, 结晶取向以〈100〉为主取向。10 V 时, S nO2 衬底上厚度为0.56 μm 的PLT 膜的漏电约为5.6 ×10 -7A/ mm2 , 比Pt 衬底上同等厚度的PLT 膜高约一
Sol-gel ferroelectric thin f ilms of PLT (Pb/La =83/17)were prepared by spin coating on Tin oxide substrate formed by chemical vapor deposition (CVD).The properties of PLT film af ter rapid thermal annealing (RTA)were tested by X -ray diff raction (XRD)for orientation of crystallization , and by ferroelect ric tester RT66A fo r electrical characteristics .The result s show that sol -gel PLT can be cry stallized normally on SnO2 subst rate .The main texture of PLT on SnO2 is 〈100〉, and the temperature of crystallization is higher than that on Pt subst rate .The leakage current densi ty of 0.56 (m thick sol-gel PLT film on SnO2 is about 5.6 (10 -7A/mm2 at 10 V , about one order of magni tude hig her than that of PLT on Pt subst rate to coequal thickness .The remnant polarization (Pr)w as about 24 μC/cm2 , higher than PLT film o n Pt .The fatigue property of sol -gel PLT on SnO2 subst rate is better than that of PLT o n Pt .The SnO2 film formed by CVD can be used as elect rodes for ferroelect ric application .


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作者简介:李金华(1943 -), 男, 江苏 常州 人, 研究员, 主要从事功能材料及微电子器件方面的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2001-06-25