 HUANG Zhi -rong,YO U Yi -kuang.Review of Carburization Corrosion and Protection of Metal Materials[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2001,(02):9-12.





Review of Carburization Corrosion and Protection of Metal Materials
黄志荣 尤一匡
江苏石油化工学院机械工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
HUANG Zhi -rong YO U Yi -kuang
Department of Mechanical Engineering , Jiangsu Institute of Pet rochemical Technology , Changzhou 213016 , China
碳化Fe-Cr -Ni 合金腐蚀与防护
carburization Fe -Cr -Ni alloys corrosion and protect ion
TG 17
Fe-Cr -Ni 合金的碳化导致合金内部形成碳化物, 使合金的性能恶化。综述了碳化现象的特征和材料性能的变化, 表面 处理和氧化膜对碳化的防护作用, 并讨论了腐蚀机理和腐蚀动力学。
Carburization of Fe -Cr -Ni alloys lead to internal carbide formation , which causes degradation of properties of alloys used in carbonaceous atmospheres and results in component failure .The appearance of these phenomena and change in materials properties are reviewed .Under most technical condi tions the alloy s are protected against carburization by surface treatment and an ox ide layer .The mechanisms and kinetics of carburization are also discussed .


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作者简介:黄志荣(1953 -), 男, 上海市人, 副教授, 主要从事材料表面处理技术方面的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2001-06-25