 LI Hui- rong.Potential Applications of Enzymes in Waste Treatment[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2004,(03):50-55.





Potential Applications of Enzymes in Waste Treatment
江苏工业学院环境与安全工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
LI Hui- rong
Department of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic University, Changzhou 213016, China
酶促反应 污染物 废物处理
enzymes enzymatic reaction pollutants waste t reatment
Q 93; X 17 ??
介绍固态、液态和有害废物的酶促反应处理系统的进展, 报道各种植物及微生物的酶类在废物处理应用领域的重要作 用。酶可以作用于特定的难降解污染物, 通过产生沉淀或转化的方式将它们去除。酶还可以改变废物的性质, 或使其更易处 理, 或将废物材料转变为有价值的产品。强调今后应努力研究的方面, 包括反应副产物的鉴定、反应产物的处置及酶法处理费 用的降低等。
A review of research directed to developing enzymatic treatment systems for soil, liquid and hazardous waste was presented. A large number of enzymes from a variety of plants and microorganisms w ere reported to play an important role in w aste t retment systems. Enzymes could act on specific recalcit rant pollutant s to remove them by precipitat ion or t ransformat ion to other products. Enzymes also could change the characterist ics of a given waste to render it more amenable to treatment or aid in convert ing w aste material to value- added product s. It was recommended that a number of issues be addressed in future research endeavors including the -i dent ificat ion of react ion by- product s, the disposal of react ion products and reduct ion of the cost of enzymat ic tretment .


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作者简介: 李慧蓉( 1947- ) , 女, 上海人, 教授, 从事环境生物技术研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2004-09-25