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 ZHOU Li -min,LI Kun.Development of (Bi1/2Na1/ 2)1 -x BaxTiO3 -based Lead -Free Piezoelectric Ceramics[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2004,(03):61-64.

(Bi1/2Na1/2)1 -xBa xTiO3 系无铅压电陶瓷的现状()




Development of (Bi1/2Na1/ 2)1 -x BaxTiO3 -based Lead -Free Piezoelectric Ceramics
周丽敏 李 坤
江苏工业学院材料科学与工程系, 江苏 常州 213016
ZHOU Li -min LI Kun
Department of Materials Science and Technology , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Chang zhou 213016 , China
BNBT lead -f ree ceramics piezoelectric ceramics
T Q 174
:综述了(Bi1/2Na1/2)1 -xBa xTiO3 系无铅压电陶瓷的最新研究进展。简述了A 位非化学计量改性及几种较成功的掺杂改性 方法。将A 位掺杂(如La3+)、B 位掺杂(如Co3+ 、Nb5 +) 以及综合掺杂(如Ce3+ 、Ce4 +) 的优缺点和掺杂机理进行了归类 比较。解释了各系统中相应掺杂引起性能变化的原因, 为进一步开展无铅压电陶瓷的研究提供参考。
The recent development of (Bi1/2Na1/2)1-xBax TiO3 -based lead -f ree piezoelectric ceramics was reviewed .Some useful methods to modify BNBT ceramics , such as nonstoichiometry of A -si te or doping with different cations w ere described .Advantages or disadvantages and mechanism of doping with A -si te cations (La3+), B -site cations (Co3 + , Nb5+), or double catio ns (Ce3 + and Ce4 +)were compared .And the causes of property differences were described .This review might be helpful for further study of lead -f ree piezoelect ric ceramics .


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基金资助:江苏工业学院科技基金资助 作者简介:周丽敏(1978 -), 女, 浙江诸暨人, 助教。
更新日期/Last Update: 2004-09-25