[1]李志兵,韩 平,王荣华,等.Si (100)上Ge1 -xC x 合金薄膜的CVD 外延生长[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2005,(02):30-33.
 Li Zhi -bing,HAN Ping,WANG Rong -hua,et al.Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ge1 -xCx Alloy Films on Si (100)[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2005,(02):30-33.

Si (100)上Ge1 -xC x 合金薄膜的CVD 外延生长()




Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ge1 -xCx Alloy Films on Si (100)
李志兵 韩 平 王荣华 秦 臻 韩甜甜
南京大学江苏省光电信息功能材料重点实验室, 江苏南京210093
Li Zhi -bing HAN Ping WANG Rong -hua Q IN Zhen HAN Tian -t ian
Key Labo ratory of Advanced Photonic and Elect ronical Materials , Nanjing University , Nanjing 210093 , China
Ge1 -xC x 合金薄膜化学气相淀积拉曼光谱
Ge1 -xC x alloy films chemical vapor deposi tion (CVD)Raman spectra
O 433.4  
用化学气相淀积生长方法, 以乙烯为碳源、锗烷为锗源, 在Si (100) 衬底上外延生长出了C 组分达3 %的Ge1 -xC x 合金 薄膜, 研究表明随着生长温度和乙烯分压的提高均可导致Ge1 -xC x 薄膜中碳组分的增加;X 射线衍射测量显示随着C 组分的增 加合金薄膜晶格常数不断减小, 这表明外延薄膜中的C 原子主要以替位式存在。红外吸收谱的测量结果显示Ge1 -xC x 合金的禁 带宽度随着C 组分的增加而线性增加, 从0.67 eV 到0.87 eV , 与理论相符, 说明碳的掺入有效地调节了禁带宽度。另外拉曼 光谱显示Ge1 -xC x 合金在387 cm -1出现一新峰, 该峰是Ge1 -xC x 薄膜中的Ge 在K 点的双声子振动引起的。
The Ge1- xCx alloy films w ith high carbon of 3 % were epitaxially deposited on Si (100)subst rates by chemical vapor deposi tion (CVD)method .C2H4 and GeH4 w ere used as C and Ge resources , respectively . With the increase of the grow th temperature and C2H4 partial pressure , carbon contents increased and the lattice constant of the epilayer decreased g radually .This indicates that incorporated C atoms mainly occupy the substitutional sites in the film .Infrared absorption measurement s show that the bandgap of films increased linearly from 0.67 eV to 0.87 eV as the carbon content increased from 0 to 3 %, which is in good agreement with the theory model.Meanwhile , a new peak has been observed at 387 cm -1 in Raman spectra , which is related to the double phonons of Ge in the alloy films .


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基金项目:国家重大基础研究发展规划(973 计划) 项目(G2000068305) 作者简介:李志兵(1977 -), 男, 江西贵溪人, 南京大学物理系硕士研究生, 研究方向为硅基新型异质结与宽禁带 半导体。
更新日期/Last Update: 2005-06-25