[1]李建玲,卢爱青,陆?? 中,等.Bi 掺杂PLZT 陶瓷纤维/ 环氧树脂1- 3 复合材料的制备[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2006,(03):1-5.
 LI Jian- ling,LU Ai- qing,LU Zhong,et al.Fabrication of Bismuth Doped PLZT Ceramic Fiber/ Polymer 1- 3 Composites[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2006,(03):1-5.

Bi 掺杂PLZT 陶瓷纤维/ 环氧树脂1- 3 复合材料的制备()




Fabrication of Bismuth Doped PLZT Ceramic Fiber/ Polymer 1- 3 Composites
李建玲 卢爱青 陆?? 中 李?? 坤
江苏工业学院材料科学与工程系, 江苏 常州 213164
LI Jian- ling LU Ai- qing LU Zhong LI Kun
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic University, Changzhou 213164, Ch-i na
压电材料 陶瓷纤维 1- 3 复合材料 溶胶- 凝胶
piezoelectric composites ceramic f iber 1- 3 composites sol- gel
T B 332
选用醋酸铅、醋酸镧、醋酸铋、丙醇锆和钛酸四正丁酯为原料, 以乙二醇甲醚为溶剂, 用溶胶- 凝胶法制备铋和镧掺杂 的连续锆钛酸铅纤维。乙酰丙酮作为螯合剂增加醋酸镧的溶解性, 并控制其水解程度。该纤维经热解、烧结成陶瓷纤维, 直径 在25~ 50 ??m 范围。用扫描电镜( SEM) 分析陶瓷纤维截面的形貌, 显微照片表明该陶瓷纤维均匀致密。将烧结后的陶瓷纤维 与环氧树脂复合, 制备出陶瓷纤维/ 环氧树脂1- 3 复合材料。压电复合材料片直径为7?? 8 mm, 厚度为0?? 375 mm, 纤维含量为 0?
Lead acetate, lanthanum acetate, bismuth acetate, zirconium oxide acetate and titanium butoxide w ere used as precursors, bismuth and lanthanum doped cont inuous lead zirconate t itanate gel f ibers were fabr-i cated by the sol- gel method. Some acet ic acetone w as used as ligand to increase the solubility of the lanthanum acetate. Af ter being pyrogenat ioned and sintered, ceramic f ibers were obtained. The diameter of the ceramic fibers is in a range of 25- 50 μ??m. The morpholog y and cross- sect ion of the fibers w ere studied by scanning elect ronic microscope ( SEM) . T he micrographs show that these ceramic f ibers are dense. The PLZT f iber/ epox y 1- 3 composites were fabricated by f illing a ceramic f iber bundle w ith epox y resin. For a PLZT f iber/ epox y 1- 3 composite disk with a diameter of 7.8 mm, a thickness of 0.375 mm and ceramic volume fract ion of 0.45, the piezoelectric coef ficient d 33 and electromechanical coeff icient k t are 454 pC/ N and 0.63, respect ively.


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作者简介: 李建玲( 1981- ) , 女, 山东烟台人, 硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2006-09-25