[1]姚荣斌,莫永新,杜 辉.电化学沉积并氧化法制备CoFe2O4 纳米线阵列[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2007,(03):4-7.
 YAO Rong- bin,MO Yong- xin,DU Hui.CoFe2O4 Nanowire Arrays Prepared by Electrodeposition Method and Further Oxidization[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2007,(03):4-7.

电化学沉积并氧化法制备CoFe2O4 纳米线阵列()




CoFe2O4 Nanowire Arrays Prepared by Electrodeposition Method and Further Oxidization
姚荣斌1 莫永新2 杜 辉3
1. 连云港师范高等专科学校自然科学系, 江苏连云港222006; 2. 江苏电大武进学院现代教育中心, 江苏 常州 213161; 3. 枣庄学院物理与电子工程系, 山东枣庄277160
YAO Rong- bin 1 MO Yong- xin 2 DU Hui 3
1. Department of Natural Science, Lianyungang Teachersc College, Lianyung ang 222006, China; 2. Wujin Colleg e of Broadcast U niversity, Changzhou 213161, China; 3. Physics Department of Zaozhuang University , Zaozhuang 277160, China
AAO 模板 CoFe2O4 纳米线 矫顽力 方形度
AAO template CoFe2O4 nanow ire coercivity squareness rat io
O 646; T B 383
用阳极氧化铝( AAO) 模板, 通过电化学沉积并氧化制备得到纳米线阵列. X 射线衍射( XRD) 结果显示纳米线由立方 尖晶石CoFe2O4 相构成, 且无明显的择优取向. 从透射电子显微镜( T EM) 照片可看出, ( AAO) 模板内刚刚沉积的CoFe2 纳 米线结构疏松, 而通过在空气气氛下的热处理, 疏松的CoFe2 纳米线转化为致密的CoFe2O4 纳米线。当扩孔时间为40 m in 时, 纳米线阵列的矫顽力最大, 为1.9 kOe ( 外磁场平行于纳米线) . 进一步增加扩孔时间, 矫顽力将下降。当外场垂直纳米线时, 矫顽力随着扩孔时间的增加而单调减少. 外场平行纳米线时, 退磁曲线的方形度随着扩孔时间的增加而单调地从0.48 减少到 0.42; 而外场平行纳米线时, 方形度却从0.48 增加到0.52。
By elect rodeposition method and further oxidizat ion, CoFe2O4 nanow ire arrays w ithin anodic aluminum ox ide ( AAO) templates were obtained. The XRD result indicated that the phase st ructure of the nanowires is cubic spinel- type, and they exhibit no preferred crystallite orientation. The TEM images show ed that the CoFe2 nanowires elect rodeposited within the templates are loose while they transformed into compact CoFe2O4 nanow ires by thermal annealing in air. When the pore widening time is 40 min, the coercivity of the nanowire arrays reaches the maximum, 1.9 kOe, w ith the applied field parallel to the nanow ires. With further increase of the pore w idening time, the coercivity decreases. When the applied f ield is vert ical to the nanowires, the coercivity decreases with the pore w idening time increasing, monotonously. The squareness ratio of the nanowire arrays w ith parallel applied field decreases from 0.48 to 0.42, monotonously, whereas the squareness ratio with vertical applied f ield increases from 0.48 to 0.52.


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作者简介: 姚荣斌( 1972- ) , 男, 江苏连云港人, 讲师, 主要从事理论物理、信号与信息处理等方面的教学与研 究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-09-25