 WANG Hai - xiu,WU Xue - hong,WANG Shu - li,et al.Study of the Kinetics of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2007,(03):29-33.





Study of the Kinetics of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation
王海秀 武雪红 王树立 赵会军 赵书华
江苏工业学院江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213016
WANG Hai - xiu WU Xue - hong WANG Shu - li ZHAO Hui - jun ZHAO Shu - hua
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Technology , J iangsu Polytechnic Universi2 ty , Changzhou 213016 , China
天然气水合物 动力学模型 生成机理
natural gas hydrate kinetic model formation mechanism
TQ 013.1
对天然气水合物进行了介绍, 从冰点以上和冰点以下两个温区对国内外水合物生长动力学的研究现状进行了分类与评 述。对冰点以上晶体生长的动力学, 从Vysniauskas & Bishnoi 模型、Lekvam & Ruoff 模型、Englezos 模型、Englezos 简化模型和 Chen - Guo 模型进行了讨论; 对冰点以下的生长动力学, 讨论了Sloan & Fleyfel 模型和Christiansen & Sloan 模型, 对各自的优 点进行了详细的分析, 并指出了所存在的局限性。对水合物生成动力学的进一步研究进行了展望。同时还分析了临界成核半径 和表面活性剂之间的关系。
Natural gas hydrate is introduced. The present research state of NGH growth kinetics above and below ice point at home and abroad is classified and commented. Concerning hydrate growth kinetics above ice point , the Vysniauskas & Bishnoi model , Lekvam &Ruoff model , Englezos model , Englezos simplified model and Chen - Guo model are discussed. As for below ice point , growth kinetics is reviewed based on Sloan & Fleyfel model and Christiansen & Sloan model , the merits of which are analyzed in detail and the existing limitation is pointed out . Future development tendency of hydrate growth kinetics is forecasted. At the same time , the relationship between critical nucleation radius and surfactant are analysed.


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基金项目: 江苏省科技厅资助项目(BZ2007032) 作者简介: 王海秀(1982 - ) , 女, 湖南资兴人, 硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-09-25