[1]赵希岳,戎红仁,李 亮,等.固体样品中60Co +95Zr 的测量方法研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2007,(04):33-36.
 ZHAO Xi -yue,Rong Ho ng -ren,Li Liang,et al.Study of Measurement of Water Sample Containing 60Co and 95Zr[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2007,(04):33-36.

固体样品中60Co +95Zr 的测量方法研究()




Study of Measurement of Water Sample Containing 60Co and 95Zr
赵希岳1 戎红仁1 李 亮1 蔡志强1 王寿祥2
1.江苏工业学院化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164 ;2.浙江大学农业部核农学重点开放实验室, 浙江杭州310029
ZHAO Xi -yue1 Rong Ho ng -ren1 Li Liang 1 Cai Zhi -qiang1 WANG Shou -x iang2
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Jiang su Polytechnic Universi ty , Changzho u 213164 , China ;2 .Key Laboratory of Nuclear Ag ricultural Science , the Minist ry of Ag ricultural , Zhejiang Universi ty , Hang zhou 310029 , China
60 Co +95 Zr 测量方法校正系数能谱γ射线
60Co +95Zr measurement calibration factor energy spect rum γ-ray
X 591 ;X 131.3
采用BH1224 型多道能谱仪测量了60 Co +95 Zr 固体样品的能谱图, 确定了各自的测量道。并对其测量的重复性、样品量 和活度对测量结果的影响等进行了分析, 确定了相应的校正曲线。结果显示:①95Zr 能谱有3 个峰, 选取S 3 峰(540 ~ 680 能 谱道) 作为样品活度的测量道较为合适, 60Co 能谱有2 个峰, 选取S5 峰(1 630 ~ 1 900 能谱道) 作为样品活度的测量道较为合 适;②测量时间对测量结果没有影响;③随着样品量的增加, 同一活度样品的测量值呈下降趋势, 应进行该项目的校正, 校正 曲线60 Co 为Y 1 =1.014 6 -0.006 0X 1 , 95Zr 为Y 2 =1.008 6 -0.006 0X2 (X 1 、X 2 为测样的样品量g);④仪器死时间引起的漏 计数不容忽视, 对测量结果应进行死时间校正, 其校正系数95 Zr 为Y 3 =100.95 -0.029 4X 3 ;60C o 为Y 5 =101.56 -0.023 3X 5 ; (X 3 、X 5 为测样的计数率cps)。
The energy spect rumcurve of 60Co and 95Zr solid samples were measured by using BH1224 multichannel energy spect romenter , and the influence of its metrical repeatabili ty , the weight of samples and radio activity on the results was determined and analyzed , then the corresponding calibration curve was determined .The result s showed :①The energy spect rum of 95Zr had three apices ;it is suitable to select the apex of S3 (energ y spect rum path :540 -680)as the measurement path ;②The t ime of measurement had no effecton the measuring results ;③Wi th samples increasing , the measured values of the samples w ith the same radioactivity went down , which showed that the values should be calibrated .The calibration curve was as follow s :60Co was Y 1 =1.014 6 -0.006 0X1 , 95Zr w as Y 2 =1.008 6 -0.006 0X 2 (the X 1 , X 2 were the volume of the samples the unit i s g);④The leaked count s caused by the dead time should not be neg lected and the measured resul ts should be calibrated .The calibratio n factor w as as fo llow s :95Zr w as Y 3 =100.95 -0.0294X 3 ;60Co w as Y 5 =101.56 -0.023 3X 5 (the X3 , X5 were the countspersecond , the uni t i s cps).


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(39570149);江苏省环境保护厅资助项目(2003076) 作者简介:赵希岳(1965 -), 男, 江苏泰州人, 博士, 副教授, 从事生物工程、同位素示踪和放射生态学研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2007-12-25