[1]张静雅,邬国英,林西平,等.助溶剂法管道反应连续制备生物柴油 3[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(02):6-8.
 ZHAN G Jing - ya,WU Guo - ying,L IN Xi - ping,et al.Continuous Preparation of Biodiesel in a Tubular Reactor with Co - Solvent[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(02):6-8.

助溶剂法管道反应连续制备生物柴油 3()




Continuous Preparation of Biodiesel in a Tubular Reactor with Co - Solvent
张静雅 邬国英 林西平 周 玲 王佳铭
江苏工业学院 江苏省精细石油化工重点实验室 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64
ZHAN G Jing - ya WU Guo - ying L IN Xi - ping ZHOU Ling WAN G Jia - ming
Jiangsu Key Labo rato ry of Fine Petrochemical Technolo gy , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity , Changzho u 21 31 64 , China
生物柴油 助溶剂 连续化
bio diesel co - solvent co ntinuo us p reparatio n
TQ 645
在菜籽油和甲醇以 KO H 为催化剂的酯交换反应中 , 加入助溶剂形成均相 , 在管道反应器内 进行连续反应生成生物柴油 。 通过三相图的绘制 , 选择了甲基叔丁基醚作为助溶剂并确定了 其加入量 ; 考察了醇油物质的量比 、 催化剂用 量 、 反应温度和反 应停留时间对反应的影响 。 通过正交实验方法得出最佳工艺条件为醇油 物质 的量比为 27 ∶ 1 , 助溶剂和油 的体积比为 11 6 ∶ 1 , 催化剂用量 01 5 % , 反应温度 65 ℃ , 反应停留时间 1 h , 在此反应条件下粗菜籽油的转化率可达到 981 4 %。
Bio diesel was continuously manufact ured through transesterification of rape oil with methanol using KO H as a catalyst and M TB E as a co solvent , in which the reaction took place in a homogeneous phase. Based on the oil , methanol and co- solvent ternary phase diagram , the selection and addition dosage of co-solvent was discussed. The influences of molar ratio of methanol to oil , amount of KO H , reaction temperature and residence time on reaction were measured. By an orthogonal experimental method , the optimum conditions were observed as follows:molar ratio of methanol to oil 27 ∶ 1 , amo unt of KO H 1.0 % , reaction temperature 65 ℃ and reaction time 1 h. The conversion of rape oil was 98.4 % under these conditions.


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基金项目 : 江苏省成果转化基金资助项目 (BA2006025) 作者简介 : 张静雅 (1 984 - ) , 女 , 江苏张家港人 , 硕士生 ; 通讯联系人 : 邬国英 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-06-25