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 TIA N Zhi- guo,TIA N Jing,LI Er- y ang.Biodesulfurization of Organic Sulfur by Two Isolated Strains[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(02):9-12.





Biodesulfurization of Organic Sulfur by Two Isolated Strains
田志国1 田 静1 李尔炀2
1.江苏工业学院 环境与安全工程学院, 江苏 常州 213 164; 2. 江苏工业学院
TIA N Zhi- guo1 TIA N Jing1 LI Er- y ang2
1. Scho ol of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Jiang su Po lytechnic U niversity, Chang zhou 2131 64, China; 2. Jiang su P olytechnic U nivers ity
生物脱硫 二苯并噻吩 节杆菌 2- 羟基联苯
bio desulfurization dibenzo thiophene A rthrobacter. sp 2- hydrox ybio pheny
T E 6241 5
从油污染的土壤样品中筛选出两株能将二苯并噻吩 ( D BT) 代谢 为 2- 羟基联苯 ( 2- H BP) 的菌株 L T 1 和 LT 2, 初 步 鉴定其均属于节杆菌属 ( A rthrobac ter . sp) 。 在 01 5 mm ol # L - 1D BT 浓度下两菌株都有较高的脱硫活性。 硫酸 钠和 2- H BP 的 存在对菌株的脱硫活性有强烈的抑制作用 : 在硫酸钠初始浓度为 01 5 m mol # L - 1 的 DBT 基础培养液中 , 两菌株均只有少量的 2 - H BP 产生; 在 2- H BP 初始浓度为 11 0 m mol # L - 1 下, LT 1 和 LT 2 细胞无明显生长。
Two bacterial strain LT 1 and LT 2 were isolated from contam inated soil, which could convert bibenzo thiophene ( DBT) into 2 - hydrox ybipheny ( 2- H BP ) , and were primarilly identified as A rthrobacter . sp LT 1 and LT 2 . Both of them had high desulfurization activities in culture of 0.5 m mol # L- 1 DBT as sole sulfur source. The existence of sulphate and 2- H BP had strong inhibiting effect on des ulfurization activity both of LT 1 and LT 2. There were only a few of 2- H BP generated by both two bacterial strain in culture of 0.5 mm ol # L - 1 s ulfate initial concentration; cel l- growth of LT 1 and LT 2 stopped when 2- H BP concentration was 1 mmo l # L - 1 .


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作者简介: 田志国 ( 1981 - ) , 男 , 河南鹤壁人, 硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-06-25