[1]徐庆松,王凯全,袁雄军.基于序列偏差的 H AZO P 分析[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(03):31-35.
 XU Q ing - so ng,WAN G Kai - quan,YU AN Xio ng -jun.A Model of HAZOP Study Based on Sequence Deviations[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(03):31-35.

基于序列偏差的 H AZO P 分析()




A Model of HAZOP Study Based on Sequence Deviations
徐庆松 王凯全 袁雄军
江苏工业学院 环境与安全工程学院 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64
XU Q ing - so ng WAN G Kai - quan YU AN Xio ng -jun
School of Environmental and Safety Engineering , Jiangsu Poly technic U niversity , Changzhou 213164 , China
危险性与可操作性分析 变化 序列偏差
H AZO P (hazard and operabi li ty analy sis) variety sequence deviations
X 937
以往的危险性与可操作性分析 (H AZO P) 方法只考虑偏差与其 可能引 起事 故的对应 关系 , 而忽略 了 偏差与 其可能引 起 的另外一些偏差的对应关系 , 忽略了 可能形成的序列偏差集 及其连锁关系 , 因而 难以全面 、 深 刻认识偏 差发展为 事故的过 程 , 难以提高 H A ZO P 分析的系统安全效果 。 将事故致因理论中连续变化观点的应用到 H AZO P 分析中 , 提出了 一种基于序列偏 差 的 HA ZOP 分析程序 , 在常规 HA ZO P 分析的基础上构建序列偏差图 , 以此确定各个偏 差的重要度 , 选择 偏差控制策略 。 以 某 聚氯乙烯聚合工艺过程中的偏差 “ 引 发剂贮槽搅拌无” 为示 例 , 应用该方法认 清了 偏差如 何发展为 事故 , 如何选 择控制策 略 , 预防事故发生 , 达到系统安全的目 的 。
H AZO P in the past was concerned with only the relationship of devi ations with its resulting ac- cident , but did not involved whether it could lead to other deviations . The relationships between deviations and other deviations and the sequences formed by deviations in their chains are overlooked . So they can not recognize the process of accidents caused by deviations deeply and comprehensively , and then they can not improve the system safety effectively . Applying the point of view of continuous changes within the cause of the accident theory , this paper proposes a model of HAZ O P study based on sequence deviations w hich can be applied to chemical process hazards identification . Sequence deviations diagram can be constructed on the basis of the ro utine H AZO P study , then , the important deviations will be selected according to their importance in the sequence . After that , control strategies will be established . The application of the meth- odology is illustrated by a PVC polym erization plant case . In the case , the sequence deviations diagram is established from the deviation of none of stirring of initiator tank . The result proves that this method can help to recognize the process of how deviations lead to an accident and how to choose the safety strategies , so the objective of system safety has been achieved .


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作者简介 : 徐庆松 ( 1978 -) , 男 , 河南人 , 硕士 , 注册安全工程师 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-09-25