[1]吴国琪,凌达仁.负载重金属阳离子的弱碱性阴离子交换树脂的 红外光谱[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(03):46-49.
 WU Guo - qi,L IN G Da - ren.Study of Infrared Spectrum of Weakly Basic Anion Exchangers Loaded Heavy Metal Ions[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(03):46-49.

负载重金属阳离子的弱碱性阴离子交换树脂的 红外光谱()




Study of Infrared Spectrum of Weakly Basic Anion Exchangers Loaded Heavy Metal Ions
吴国琪 凌达仁
江苏工业学院 化学化工学院 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64
WU Guo - qi L IN G Da - ren
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
红外光谱 表面络合理论 重金属阳离子 弱碱性阴离子交换树脂
infrared spectrum surface co mplex fo rmatio n theo ry heavy metal io n weakly basic anio n exchangers
O 6471 3
简要阐述了离子交换表面络合理论和 Do nnan 膜平衡理论的区别 , 说明了 弱碱性阴 离子交换树脂对重金属阳 离子的非交 换吸附机制 。 通过大量的红外光谱图分析 , 发现重金属阳 离子 (重金属离子液相浓度范围 在 01 01 ~ 01 1 0 mol/ L ) 在所选树脂 (D392 , D301 - R) 上吸附后 , 树脂骨架的功能基 N - H 弯曲振动的吸收频率从 1 637 cm - 1 位移到 1 61 7 cm - 1 , 向低波数方向 移动约 20 cm - 1 , 随浓度的升高呈有序降低 。 树脂 IRA67 和 Duolite A7 吸附重金属离子后 , 其功能基 N - H 弯曲振动的红外吸 收频率也向低波数移动 , 从 1 652 cm - 1 移动到 1 646 cm - 1 。 造成该现象的原因正是溶液中的金属阳离子与树脂功能团上的氮原 子发生了 配位反应 。 配位反应后 N - H 化学键上的电子云分布趋于平均化 , 键力常数 k 减小 , 造成 N - H 弯曲 振动的红外吸收 频率向低波数移动 , 从结构上证明了 弱碱性阴离子交换树脂的非交换吸附机理假设和以此为基础的表面络合理论的合理性 。
The differences between the theory of the surface complex formation and the Donnan equilibrium theory were expounded briefly in this paper. The mechanism of the non - exchanging adsorption of heavy metalions onto weakly basic anio n exchangers was explained. The experiments showed that t he frequency of t he bending vibration of the N - H group of the function group of the resins (D392 , D301 - R) descen2 ded fro m 1 637 cm - 1 to 1 61 7 cm - 1 abo ut 20 cm - 1 after heavy metalions were adsorbed in the range of t he co ncentration fro m 0.01 to 0. 10 mol/ L . And the higher the concentrations of the metalions were , the bigger the values of the Δυ descend. It was also found that the frequency of the bending vibration of the N - H group of the function group of the resins ( IRA67 , Duolite A7 ) descended from 1 652 cm - 1 to 1 646 cm - 1 after adsorbing heavy metalions. The reason for the phenomenon may be that the heavy metalions in solution coordinate with the nitro gen of t he functio n gro up of the resins. This phenomenon shows that the distribution of the electron cloud in the chemical bond of the N - H group becomes average. As a result , the constantk of the N - H group decreases. According to the theory of infrared spectrum , the mechanism of the non - exchanging adsorption of heavy metalions onto weakly basicanion exchangers and the ratio nality of the theory of the surface complex formation are proved in structure of the resins


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作者简介 : 吴国琪 (1 961 - ) , 男 , 江苏镇江人 , 硕士 , 副教授 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-09-25