[1].太阳电池研究的现状与发展前景 3[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(03):69-73.
 XIE Jian - sheng,L I Jin - hua.Status Quo of the Research on Solar Cells and its Development Trends[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(03):69-73.

太阳电池研究的现状与发展前景 3()




Status Quo of the Research on Solar Cells and its Development Trends
江苏工业学院 数理学院 , 江苏 常州 21 31 64
XIE Jian - sheng L I Jin - hua
School of Mat hematics and Physics , Jiangsu Polytechnic U niversity , Changzho u 21 31 64 , China)
太阳能电池 材料 转换效率
solar cells material transitio n efficiency
TB 43 ; TN 21 3
太阳能电池的利用可为人类社会提供可再生的清洁能源 。 综述了太阳能电池的研究现状 , 从材料 、 工艺与转换效率等方 面讨论了 它们的优势和不足之处 , 并对太阳能电池的发展趋势进行了 预测 。
The application of solar cells has offered human society renewable clean energy. The status quo of the research on solar cells was reviewed in this paper. The types of solar cells , including silico n solar cells , thin film solar cells , organic solar cells and nanocrystalline photovoltaic solar cells , were summarized. The advantage and disadvantage of different types of solar cells were discussed in vario us aspects such as materials , technics and conversion efficiency. At last the development trends of solar cells were predicated.


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作者简介 : 谢建生 (1 960 - ) , 男 , 江苏常州人 , 副教授 , 主要从事信息功能薄膜的研究 。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-09-25