[1]丁宪成,路建美.含偶氮苯侧基聚烯类衍生物三阶非线性 光学性质量子化学计算研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2008,(04):18-20.
 D IN G Xian- cheng,LU Jian- mei.Quantum Caculation of Third- Order Nonlinear Optical Coefficient Study of Polyethylene Derivatives with Azobenzene Side Chain[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2008,(04):18-20.

含偶氮苯侧基聚烯类衍生物三阶非线性 光学性质量子化学计算研究()




Quantum Caculation of Third- Order Nonlinear Optical Coefficient Study of Polyethylene Derivatives with Azobenzene Side Chain
丁宪成1 路建美2
1. 江苏工业学院 化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 21 31 64; 21 苏州大学, 江苏 苏州 21 5006
D IN G Xian- cheng1 LU Jian- mei2
1. School of Chem is try and Chemical Eng ineering , Jiangs u Poly technic U niver sity, Chang zhou 213 164, China; 2. Suzhou U niv ers ity , Suzhou 215 006, China
偶氮苯 聚烯类 三阶非线性 量子化学计算
A zobenz ene polyethy lene third- order no nlinear quantum chem is try calculation
O 641
用有限场/ A M 1 方法计算了 一系列带有偶氮苯侧链的聚烯类衍生物的有机非线性光学材料分子的三阶非线性光学系 数 C, 研究了 C 与分子前线轨道、 侧链碳链链长、 推拉电子基团等的关系。 结果表明 , 增加主链和支链的碳链链长 皆对该类分子三 阶 非线性性质有影响, 而且前者的作用比后者的作用更强。
As eries of the third- order nonlinear optical coefficient C of organic nonlinear optical m aterial molecular of polyethy lene derivatives with az obenzene side - chain were caculated by F F/ A M 1 m ethod. Studied the relation of C with frontier orbital, carbon- chain length of side - chain and push- pull electro nics groups . T he Res ult show s that adding m ain - chain length or branch - chain leng th has good effects . And the effect of the former is stronger than that of the latter.


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基金项目 : 国家自 然科学基金资助 ( 2007603) 作者简介: 丁宪成 ( 1981 - ) , 男 , 江苏宿迁人, 硕士生; 联系人: 路建美。
更新日期/Last Update: 2008-12-25