[1]陈? 苗,徐崇福,朱晓斌.一步法合成2- 甲基- 4- 戊烯- 2- 醇[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2009,(01):8-10.
 CHEN Miao,XU Chong- fu,ZHU Xiao- bin.Synthesis of 2- Methyl- 4- Penten- 2- Ol in One- Step Process[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(01):8-10.

一步法合成2- 甲基- 4- 戊烯- 2- 醇()




Synthesis of 2- Methyl- 4- Penten- 2- Ol in One- Step Process
陈? 苗 徐崇福 朱晓斌
江苏工业学院化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
CHEN Miao XU Chong- fu ZHU Xiao- bin
School of Chemistry and Chemical Eng ineering, Jiangsu Polytechnic University, Changzhou 213164, China
一步法 格氏反应 2- 甲基- 4- 戊烯- 2- 醇
one- step pr ocess grignard react ion 2- methy l- 4- penten- 2- ol
T Q 031?? 2
对传统的两步法格氏反应合成2- 甲基- 4- 戊烯- 2- 醇的工艺进行研究, 提出混合溶剂一步法合成工艺。研究合成过 程中溶剂、反应时间、反应温度等因素对2 - 甲基- 4 - 戊烯- 2 - 醇产率的影响, 获得控制反应过程的最佳参数。用 IR、1H NMR 对产物的分子结构进行了表征。研究结果表明, 采用混合溶剂一步法合成工艺, 当V ( 苯) ?? V ( 四氢呋喃) = 3 ?? 1 时, 产物2- 甲基- 4- 戊烯- 2- 醇的产率达到81.3%。
Studies of the technical aspect of synthesizing 2- methyl- 4- penten- 2- ol in tr aditio nal tw o - step process were carried out and a synthetic route using mixed so lvent s in one step was proposed. The ef fects o f so lvent types, reaction t ime, and reaction temper ature on the yield of 2- methyl- 4- penten- 2 - o l were invest igated in detail and the optimal parameters in controlling the process were determined. The molecular st ructure of the products was characterized with IR and 1 H NMR technology. It was shown that when the volume ratio of benzene to tetrahydrofurane was 3 to 1, the yield of 2- methyl- 4- penten- 2- ol reached as much as 81.3%.


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基金项目: 江苏工业学院科技基金( ZMF05020019) 作者简介: 陈苗( 1979- ) , 女, 山东泰安人, 硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-25