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Improving the Low- Temperature Flowing Properties of Biodisel from Sunflower Oil
巫淼鑫 邬国英 杨?? 扬 朱文斌 刘嘉杰
江苏工业学院测试中心, 江苏 常州 213164
WU Miao- xin WU Guo- y ing YANG Yang ZHU Wen- bin LIU Jia- jie
T est ing Center, Jiang su Polytechnic U niv ersity , Chang zhou 213164, China
葵花籽油 生物柴油 低温流动性能 粘度 降凝剂 柴油
sunflow er oil biodiesel low - temperature f luidity v isco sity cold- f low addit ive diesel
T E 626
以葵花籽油和无水甲醇为原料, KOH 为催化剂, 在50 ?? 下反应1 h , 制备生物柴油( BDF) 。首先研究了BDF 与柴油调 和后的低温流动性能和粘度。研究认为与低温流动性能较好的柴油调和能显著改善BDF 的低温流动性能和粘度。然后研究了4 种降凝剂对纯BDF 及B20 的低温流动性能和粘度的影响。降凝剂1、2 和3 都能改善纯BDF 和B20 的低温流动性能。其中, 降 凝剂2 能较好的改善纯BDF 的低温流动性能; 降凝剂1 和2 能较好的改善B20 的低温流动性能。4 种降凝剂能不同程度增加纯 BDF 和B20 的粘度。
T he biodiesel fuel ( BDF) w as prepared f rom sunflow er o il and methanol by t ransesterificat ion w ith KOH as catalyst . First , the low- temperature flow ing pro pert ies ( LT FPs) and v isco sity ( ??) of the blending oils of BDF and diesel fuels w ere studied. When the BDF w as blended w ith diesel fuel, it s LTFPs w ere bet ter. The LT FPs of the blending o ils w ere clearly impr oved and the ??decreased g reat ly. T hen, the LT FPs and ??o f pure BDF and B20 ( 20% BDF and 80% No?? 0 diesel fuel) w ere studied when fo ur cold - f low addit iv es are added. The LT FPs of BDF and B20 can be impro ved by the cold- flow addit ive 1, 2 and 3. T he LTFPs o f the BDF w ere impr oved w hen the cold- f low addit ive 1 w as added. The LT FPs of B20 w ere improved w hen the cold- f low addit iv e 1 and 2 w ere added. The ??of the BDF and B20 increased w hen the fo ur co ld- flow addit ives w ere added.


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基金项目: 中国石化集团总公司资助项目( 102019) 作者简介: 巫淼鑫( 1964- ) , 男, 浙江武义人, 副研究员, 主要从事化学分析和仪器分析以及生物柴油方面的研究。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-25