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 LI Feng,YUA N Ning- yi,HE Ze- jun,et al.Preparation and Optical Properties of ZnO/ PVP Nanocomposite Films[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(01):23-27.

ZnO/ PVP 纳米复合膜的制备及其光学性质()




Preparation and Optical Properties of ZnO/ PVP Nanocomposite Films
李?? 锋 袁宁一 何泽军 王秀琴 周?? 懿
江苏工业学院低维材料微纳器件与系统研究中心, 江苏 常州 213164
LI Feng YUA N Ning- yi HE Ze- jun WANG Xiu- qin ZHOU Yi
The Research Center o f Low- Dimensional Materials, Nano- Micro Devices and System, Jiang su Polytechnic U niv ersity, Chang zhou 213164, China
ZnO 纳米复合薄膜 量子限域效应 透射光谱 光致发光光谱
ZnO nanocomposite f ilms quantum confinement effect transmit tance spect ra photoluminescence spect ra
T B 43; O 472?? 3 ?? ??
采用溶胶- 凝胶技术在玻璃衬底上利用旋转涂胶法制备了ZnO/ PVP 纳米复合薄膜。紫外可见透射光谱( U V- Vis) 和 光致发光光谱( PL) 表明PVP 实现了对ZnO 纳米晶的有效包覆, 从而有效阻止了ZnO 纳米晶的团聚, 强化了ZnO 纳米粒子 的量子限域效应, 导致ZnO/ PVP 复合薄膜吸收边明显蓝移。PVP 的包覆同时减少了界面缺陷, 提高了复合薄膜的紫外发光效 率, 降低了可见区的发光强度。退火温度、薄膜层数及Zn2+ 和PVP 物质的量比对复合薄膜的UV- Vis 谱的吸收边和PL 谱的 发光峰位及强度都产生了影响。
ZnO/ PVP nanocomposite films were prepared on glass substr ates by the so l- g el spin- coating technique. The U V- Vis transmission spect ra and the photo luminescence ( PL) spect ra indicate that the ZnO nanopart icles are capped ef ficient ly by PVP, which prevents the ag glomerating of ZnO nanopart icles, st reng thens the quantum confinement ef fect and induces obvious blue shift of the absorption edge. Meanw hile, the surface defects of ZnO nanopart icles are decreased by the capping of PV P, the intensity of vis-i ble emission is reduced and the eff iciency of ult raviolet emission is enhanced. A nnealing temperatures, coat ing lay ers, and molar ratio of ZnO and PV P ex ert influences on the position of absorption edge and intensity of PL spectr a.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( BK2006042) ; 江苏省高校自然科学基金资助项目( 07KJB430023) 作者简介: 李锋( 1983- ) , 男, 河南三门峡人, 硕士生; 联系人: 袁宁一。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-25