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Research on Inspection of Fabric Surface Based on Optical Fiber Taper
陈树越 邹 凌
江苏工业学院信息科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164
CHEN Shu -y ue ZO U Ling
School of Information Science and Engineering , Jiangsu Poly technic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
fabric inspection optic fiber taper CCD defect recog nition image segmentation
TP 391.4  
给出了一种基于光纤锥的织物疵点高分辨率检测方法, 将光纤锥小端与电荷耦合器件(CC D) 敏感面直接耦合, 大端与 织物接触成像, 可获得织物微米级的高分辨率图像, 给出了系统空间分辨率计算公式, 具有结构简单、分辨率高、成本低等特 点。此外, 提出了一种基于快速傅立叶变换的织物疵点图像分割算法, 通过计算子图像的傅立叶幅值谱方差描述疵点特征, 用 双线性插值恢复原始图像大小, 经阈值化处理可获得疵点分割结果, 实例表明了该算法的有效性。
A high -reso lution metho dology o f inspecting fabric defects is presented , in which the small side of fiber taper i s coupled di rectly wi th the sensitive surface of CCD , the big one acting as an optical input contact s with the fabric .The image up to microns texture can be achieved and applied in inspecting the defect s by means of the sy stem w hich is characteri zed by simple st ructure , hig h resolutio n and low co st .A fo rmula of calculating spatial reso lution of the sy stem is given .On the other hand , an algo ri thm is proposed for the fabric defect s ex traction based on fast Fourier transform .The fabric defects are featured by the v ariance of Fourier amplitude within each sub -imag e .Then the variance image is expanded to original size w ith the bilinear interpretat ion .The segmented defect s are o btained through the threshold pro cessing . It i s show n that the method is ef fective af te r the applicatio ns .


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基金项目:常州市科技攻关项目资助(CE2007029);常州市科教城院校科研基金项目资助(K2007032) 作者简介:陈树越(1963 -), 男, 河北定州人, 教授。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-03-25