[1]郑?? 志,王树立,赵书华,等.天然气输送管道调压过程的? 分析[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2009,(03):33-35.
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天然气输送管道调压过程的? 分析()




Exergy Analysis of the Pressure Reduction Process of Natural Gas Pipeline
郑?? 志 王树立 赵书华 宋?? 琦 谢?? 磊
江苏工业学院江苏省油气储运技术重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213016
ZHEN G Zhi WANG Shu- li ZHAO Shu- hua SON G Qi XIE Lei
Jiang su Key Labor atory o f Oil- Gas Storage and T ranspor tat ion Technolog y, Jiang su Po lytechnic Un-i v ersity, Chang zhou 213016, China
? 天然气 管道 调压 透平膨胀机 节流阀
exergy natural gas pipeline pr essure reduction turbo ex pander throt t le valve
T U 996; TK 123 ??
长距离高压管输天然气在进入下游管道, 要进行降压处理, 传统的节流膨胀降压工艺存在着巨大的过程? 损。通过对输 气管道调压过程进行? 分析后发现: 在完成相同调压任务的情况下, 采用透平膨胀机代替节流阀, 可显著减少过程? 损、提高 系统? 效率, 亦可输出功率, 产生工艺冷能, 具有明显的技术经济效应。考察了进气温度、膨胀比对装置运行工况的影响。提 出了回收利用管输天然气调压可用能的工艺流程, 以提高能源的利用效率和管网运行的经济性。
The hig h- pressure natural gas t ranspor ted by long- distant pipeline has to exper ience pressure reduct ion before being supplied into dow nst ream pipeline, such as city g as pipe netw or k. The t radit ional pressure reduct ion technolog y w ith thro tt le valve causes t remendous process ex er gy loss. Consequent ly, the ex erg y analysis w as launched w ith regard to the pr essure r educt io n process of natural gas pipeline. It reveals remarkable technical and economical effect by adopt ing turbo ex pander to subst itute thro tt le valve w hen meeting the same pressure reduct ion requirement, thereby r educing process ex erg y loss, impro ving systemat ical exerg y eff iciency, as w ell as delivering power and generat ing technolo gy cold ener gy. Besides, the influences o f inlet temperature and the ratio of ex pansio n to equipment s??operat ing co ndition are also consider ed. In order to impro ve ener gy eff iciency and pipeline operat ing economy, a new process f low chart is proposed for reco ver ing and ut ilizing ex ergy embr aced in the pressure reduct ion pr ocess of natural g as pipeline.


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基金项目: 江苏省科技厅资助项目( BS2007028) ; 江苏省教育厅资助项目( 04KJB440030) 作者简介: 郑志( 1983- ) , 男, 福建三明人, 硕士研究生; 通讯联系人: 王树立。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-09-25