[1]张 跃,陈英斌,刘建武,等.CO2 加氢制备二甲醚研究进展[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2009,(03):68-72.
 ZHANG Yue,CHEN Ying -bin,LIU Jian -w u,et al.Progress in Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(03):68-72.

CO2 加氢制备二甲醚研究进展()




Progress in Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen
张 跃 陈英斌 刘建武 严生虎 沈介发
江苏工业学院精细化工研究所, 江苏 常州 213164
ZHANG Yue CHEN Ying -bin LIU Jian -w u YAN Sheng -hu SHEN Jie -fa
Research Institute of Fine Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
carbon dioxide hy dro genat ion dime thyl ether cataly st
O 643
近年来, 由于能源短缺、环保等方面原因, CO2 加氢合成二甲醚研究逐渐成为热点。综述了国内外CO2 加氢合成二甲醚 的最新研究进展, 概述了CO2 加氢合成二甲醚的反应热力学、反应机理以及二甲醚的最新应用, 详细介绍了双功能催化剂中的 甲醇合成组分、甲醇脱水组分的研究进展。
Recent years , for various reasons of energy resource sho rtag e and enviro nmental protect ion , sy nthesi s of dimethy l ether by hydrog enatio n and carbon diox ide has become to the focus of cur rent research .The paper review ed the recent advances of dimethyl ethe r synthesi s f rom hydrogenatio n and carbon diox ide at home and abroad .The mechani sm and the rmody namics of the reactio n , new dimethy l ether applicat ion w ere intro duced brief ly .Catalyt ic component s for methanol synthesis and methano l dehy dration were mainly discussed .


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作者简介:张跃(1964 -), 男, 江苏 常州 人, 研究员。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-09-25