[1]胡 昆,杨泽华,任 杰.天然产物Quadrone 的全合成进展[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2009,(03):73-78.
 HU Kun,YA NG Ze -hua,REN Jie.Progress in Total Synthesis of Natural Product Quadrone[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(03):73-78.

天然产物Quadrone 的全合成进展()




Progress in Total Synthesis of Natural Product Quadrone
胡 昆 杨泽华 任 杰
江苏工业学院化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
HU Kun YA NG Ze -hua REN Jie
School of Chemist ry and Chemical Engineering , Jiangsu Polytechnic University , Changzhou 213164 , China
quadrone 抗癌全合成倍半萜
quadrone antitumor total sy nthesis sesquiterpene
O 627.52
Qu adrone 是土曲霉的代谢产物, 由于其较强的抗癌活性和新颖的四环倍半萜结构, 吸引了众多化学工作者对其全合成展 开研究。此化合物的合成方法较多, 总结了近30 年来该领域的研究进展, 介绍了17 条外消旋及光学纯quadrone 的全合成路 线, 并讨论了其优劣。
Quadrone , a fung al metabo li te f rom Aspergil lus terreus , has mot ivated intense re sea rch ef fo rts by lo ts of chemi st s due to i ts out standing antitumor proper ty and nov el tet racyclic ring sesquiterpene system .Plenty o f metho ds fo r the sy nthesis of quadro ne had been established .In this paper , the pro gress in to tal sy nthesis of quadro ne in the past three decades w as reviewed .Seventeen synthet ic routes of dl -quadrone and optical quadro ne w ere illustrated , and it s pro s and co ns w ere also put fo rw ard respect ively .


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作者简介:胡昆(1979 -), 男, 山东兖州人, 博士;联系人:任杰。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-09-25