[1]赵 蒙,李金华,郑巍峰,等.Ta 掺杂VO2 多晶薄膜的相变特性[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2009,(04):24-28.
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Ta 掺杂VO2 多晶薄膜的相变特性()




Phase Transition Properties of Tantalum Doped Polycrystalline Thin Film Formed by Sol -Gel Method
赵 蒙 李金华 郑巍峰 付学成
江苏工业学院功能材料实验室, 江苏 常州 213164
ZHAO Meng LI Jin -hua ZHENG Wei -feng FU Xue -cheng
Functional Materials Labo ra to ry , Jiangsu Po ly technic Universtiy , Changzhou 213164 , China
VO2 film doping phase t ransit ion thermal coeff icient of resistance So l -Gel method
O 484 ;O 792 ;O 645  
以氧化二乙酰丙酮合钒(C 10H 14 O5V) 为前驱体, 乙醇钽[ Ta (OC2H 5)5] 为掺杂剂, 用溶胶-凝胶方法在S i (100) 和SiO2/ Si 衬底上制备了V1-x TaxO2 (x =0 -0.1) 多晶薄膜。XRD 谱图显示薄膜呈(011) 面取向生长。随着Ta 掺杂量的增 大, d(011)基本呈线性增大表明Ta 替代了V 在晶格中的位置, 实现了替位掺杂。每掺杂1%原子比的Ta , 相变温度降低 7.8 ℃, 相变热滞减小1 ℃。SiO2/ Si 衬底上5 %原子比掺杂薄膜的相变温度为29.5 ℃, 室温(300 K) 电阻-温度系数 (TCR)为-8.44 %/ K 。两种衬底上掺杂V0.9 Ta0.1O2 薄膜的升温和降温电阻-温度曲线基本重合。实验结果显示, T a 是降低 VO2 薄膜的相变温度和消除相变热滞的有效掺杂剂。
V1 -x TaxO2 (x =0 -0.1) po lycrystalline thin f ilms w ere deposi ted on Si (100) and SiO2/Si subst rates by So l -Gel method used VO (acac)2 as a precurso r and tantalum pentaethoxide as a dopant . The XRD pat terns show ed the high (011)o rientat ion of f ilms .A linear increase in the value o f d(011)w i th increasing do ped tantalum content is also obtained , w hich means tha t the Ta5 + subst itutes the po sitio n of V4 + in the sublat tice .The transition temperature and hy steresis width are low ered by 7.8 ℃ and 1 ℃ respectively , per 1at.% Ta doped .Fo r V0.95T a0.05O2 film on SiO2/Si substrate , the phase transition tempera ture is 29.5 ℃, and the temperature coeff icient of resistance (TCR)i s -8.44 %/K at 300 K .The heat ing and cooling R -T curve of V0.9 Ta0.1O2 f ilms almost overlap .These prope rties indica te that Tantalum is an ef ficient dopant for VO2 fi lm to decrease the t ransit ion temperature and eliminate hysteresis .


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助(10675055);常州市科技计划资金资助(CE2005027) 作者简介:赵蒙(1983 -), 男, 山东枣庄人, 硕士生;通讯联系人:李金华。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-12-25