 XUE Guo -x in.Simulation Model of Running Vehicles with Changing Imaginary Slope Including Multiple Random Factors[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2009,(04):61-63.





Simulation Model of Running Vehicles with Changing Imaginary Slope Including Multiple Random Factors
江苏工业学院信息科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164
XUE Guo -x in
Schoo l o f Informat ion Science and Engineering , Jiang su Poly technic Universi ty , Changzho u 213164
traffic flow simulation cellular automaton imag inary slo pe overtaking and car fo llow ing model
O 362  
对车辆的行驶行为进行计算机仿真已有较多的研究, 给出了许多有用的模型, 其中最具代表性的模型是元胞自动机模 型。元胞自动机模型在反映车辆行驶的行为特征上有其局限性。为此, 在车辆虚坡模型的基础上, 引入了多种随机因素, 其中 车辆的虚坡包含一个附加宽度, 此附加宽度受上述多种随机因素影响而变化。仿真结果表明, 有关主要趋势与实际趋势一致。
A lot of research work has been done on the simulatio n o f running characte ristics o f vehicles , and a lo t of useful models have been proposed .One o f the typical models fo r the simulatio n o f t raf fic f low i s cel lular automaton model .But a cellular automa ton mo del has limitations in revealing running characteri stics of vehicles .And the imaginary slope mo del pro po sed before doesn′t contain any random facto r .T o this end , multiple random factors are int roduced to the imaginary slope model in w hich the imagina ry slo pe takes an additio nal band w hich changes according to multiple random facto rs .A simulatio n ex ample show s that it is easy to be operated in the case of many car s , and the main tendencies show a g ood coincidence wi th the real processes .


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作者简介:薛国新(1962 -), 男, 江苏武进人, 研究员, 主要研究方向为交通流建模、仿真和图像处理等。
更新日期/Last Update: 2009-12-25