[1]孙玉芳,李 坤,方必军,等.钡钙锶共掺杂钛酸铋钠无铅压电陶瓷的制备及性能[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(01):5-8.
 SUN Yu - fang,Li Kun,FAN G Bi - jun,et al.Preparation and Properties of Ba Ca Sr Co - doped Bismuth Sodium Titanate Ceramics[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(01):5-8.





Preparation and Properties of Ba Ca Sr Co - doped Bismuth Sodium Titanate Ceramics
孙玉芳 李 坤 方必军 陈智慧
江苏工业学院材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164
SUN Yu - fang Li Kun FAN G Bi - jun CHEN Zhi - hui
School of Material s Science and Engineering , J angsu Polytechinc University , Changzhou 213164 , China
钛酸钠铋 无铅压电陶瓷 压电性 铁电性
(Na015Bi015 ) TiO3 lead - f ree piezoelect ric ceramics piezoelect ricity ferroelect ricity
TQ 1741 75
采用溶胶- 凝胶法制备工艺制备了(1 - x) (Na015Bi015 ) TiO3 - xBa01092Ca0103 Sr0105 TiO3 ( x = 0.04 、0106 、0107 、0.08) 系无铅压电陶瓷。研究了陶瓷的铁电、压电性能和显微结构。结果表明, 该体系陶瓷在x = 0106 时, 其压电常数d33 , 机电耦 合系数kp , 厚度耦合系数kt , 相对介电常数εr , 介质损耗tgδ, 分别为152 , 0.24 , 0147 , 1 250 , 0104 。
(1 - x) (Na015Bi015 ) TiO3 - xBa01092 Ca0103 Sr0105 TiO3 ( x = 0104 、0106 、0107 、0108) ceramics have been fabricated via a sol - gel met hod. The ferroelect ric , piezoelect ric properties and microst ruct ure of t he ceramics have been investigated. The result s show that t he piezoelect ric constant d33 , planar elect ro2 mechanical coefficient kp , thickness elect romechanical coefficient kt , dielect ric permit tivity εr , dielect ric loss are 152 , 0124 , 01 474 , 1 250 and 0104 , respectively.


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[2]韩权威,孙玉芳,李 坤,等.钡铪共掺杂钛酸铋钠压电陶瓷制备及铁电性分析[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(04):6.
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作者简介: 孙玉芳(1978 - ) , 女, 河南漯河人, 硕士生; 通讯联系人: 李坤。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-03-25