[1]侯建超,薛 冰,李永昕.K2O/ SiO2 催化剂上正丙醇与碳酸二甲酯合成碳酸二丙酯[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(02):24-27.
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K2O/ SiO2 催化剂上正丙醇与碳酸二甲酯合成碳酸二丙酯()




Synthesis of Dipropyl Carbonate from Dimethyl Carbonate and Propyl Alcohol on K2O/ SiO2 Catalyst
侯建超 薛 冰 李永昕
常州大学化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
HOU Jian- chao XUE Bing LI Yong- x in
Schoo l of Chemical and Chemistr y Engineering, Changzhou U niversity , Chang zhou 213164, China
碳酸二甲酯 正丙醇 碳酸二丙酯 酯交换
dimethyl carbonate propyl alcohol dipropyl carbonate tr ansesterif ication
T Q 0321 4
采用正丙醇与碳酸二甲酯( DMC) 酯交换合成碳酸二丙酯( DPC) , 筛选出催化性能和稳定性较好的KNO3 固体碱催化 剂, 考察了KNO3 负载量对催化剂酯交换性能的影响。实验结果表明, KNO3 负载量( 以K2 O 的质量分数计) 为15% 时, 催 化剂对酯交换反应的催化性能最好, 在丙醇与DMC 的物质的量比为2∶1、催化剂和反应物的质量比为0.01、反应时间为6 h 的条件下, DMC 的转化率和DPC 的选择性分别达到85.85%和27.10%。CO2- 程序升温脱附表征结果表明, K2 O/ S iO2 催化剂 上的弱碱中心是反应的催化活性中心, 且碱量越大, 催化性能越好。
Synthesis of dipropy l carbonate ( DPC) f rom dimethyl carbo nate ( DMC) and propyl alcoho l by tr ansesterif icatio n was studied. A ser ies o f differ ent loading quant ity of KNO3 supported solid base catalyst s w ere prepared and their catalyt ic act iv ities w er e ev aluated. Physicochemical pr opert ies o f catalysts w ere char acterized by means of XRD and CO2- T PD. The ef fects of prepar at ion methods o f suppo rt s and loading quant ity of KNO3 as w ell as catalyst dosage, propyl alco ho l/ DMC mol rat io and react io n t ime on the activity of the cataly st w ere inv estig ated. The result s indicated that 15w t% K2O/ SiO2 exhibited the hig hest act ivity for the synthesis of DPC. U nder the opt imal conditio ns: n ( propyl alcohol) Bn (DMC) = 2 B 1, m ( catalyst ) B m ( reactant ) = 01 01, 100 e , 6 h, DMC conv ersion and DPC select iv ity w ere 851 85% and 271 10% . The results indicate that the w eak basic sites may be the act iv e sites for the t ransesterif ication of pr opy l alcohol and DMC.


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基金项目: 江苏省高技术研究项目( BG2006015) ; 常州大学青年基金项目( JQ200902) 作者简介: 侯建超( 1982- ) , 男, 河南平顶山人, 硕士生; 通讯联系人: 薛冰。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-06-25