[1]齐鹏程,杨利民,沈卫红,等.气液两相流在T 形管处相分离的研究[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(02):34-37.
 QI Peng- cheng,YANG Li- min,SHEN Wei- hong,et al.Study of Separation of Gas- Liquid Two- Phase Flow at a T- Junction[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(02):34-37.

气液两相流在T 形管处相分离的研究()




Study of Separation of Gas- Liquid Two- Phase Flow at a T- Junction
齐鹏程 杨利民 沈卫红 钱益斌
常州大学化学化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
QI Peng- cheng YANG Li- min SHEN Wei- hong QIAN Yi- bin
School of Chemical and Chemist ry Engineering , Changzhou U niversity , Chang zhou 213164, China
T 形管 两相流 分离 分离效率
T - junct io n tw o- phase f low separat io n separ at ion ef ficiency
T Q 022?? 4 ??
采用主管水平、支管垂直向上的T 形管, 以空气和水为介质, 在层状流和塞状流条件下, 测定了气液两相流的分离数 据。用传统方法及分离效率指标评价了T 形管对两相流的分离结果。层状流条件下的分离效果明显好于塞状流; 塞状流时, 主 管入口气体流速恒定, 通入主管内液体流速越小, T 形管的分离效果越好; 恒定主管入口液体流速, 在气体的采出分率达到 0.7 之前, 增加入口气体流速, 能提高T 形管的分离效率, 但0.7 之后, 增加气体流速对T 形管分离效率的提高不明显。实验 结果与先前研究者的经验关联式比较, 发现Seeger 等人的经验关联式给出了两相流在T 形管处相分离的趋势。
Separat io n of gas- liquid tw o phase f low at a T - junct ion w ith a ho rizontal main pipe and a vert ical ly upw ard branch w as invest igated under the f low pat terns of the plug and the st rat ified. T he separat ion data obtained by a series of ex periment s w er e evaluated by the t radit ional method and the separ at ion ef f iciency . T he separat ion eff iciency for the str at ified f low is much higher than that for the plug flow. A constant gas velocity w as fo und in the plug f low , the low er the liquid velocity, the higher the separ at ion ef f iciency ; at a g iv en liquid velocity, incr easing the g as velocity can improv e the separation eff iciency before the f ract ion o f gas takeof f reaches 0?? 7. In co nt rast , there is no ef fect w hen the f ract ion is abov e 0?? 7. The data w ere also compared w ith the pr edict ions obtained by previous correlat io ns. The Seeger??s equat ion gave ag reeable t rends.


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作者简介: 齐鹏程( 1982- ) , 男, 湖北隋州人, 硕士生; 通讯联系人: 杨利民。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-06-25