 XU E Guo- x in.Overtaking and Car Following Model with Changing Speed Up- Limits and Changing Imaginary Slope Length[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(02):49-52.





Overtaking and Car Following Model with Changing Speed Up- Limits and Changing Imaginary Slope Length
常州大学信息科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164
XU E Guo- x in
School of Informat ion Science and Eng ineer ing, Changzho u Univer sity, Chang zhou 213164, China
交通流 超车跟车模型 元胞自动机 仿真 固支梁
t raf fic flow ov er taking and car follow ing model cellular automato n simulat ion built - in beam ??
O 362 ??
一维交通流仿真建模问题的研究具有显而易见的重要意义。元胞自动机方法是这一问题的一种代表性算法, 它能有效模 拟交通流的一些基本规律和现象, 但它属于离散模型。传统的基于解析公式的模型偏重于从统计角度标定参数或者以确定方式 获得车辆的动力行为。基于固支梁的虚坡模型以车辆阶段速度为目标, 考察车辆的动态驾驶行为, 在原有虚坡模型的基础上, 分析了主动驾驶行为和被动减速行为, 并通过改变速度上限和虚坡长度, 间接地改变车辆动力以及前车对于后车的限速范围, 使得车辆的加减速行为和跟车行为表现出更大的适应性。对仿真实例进行了计算, 结果表明模型具有足够快的计算速度。
Apparent ly, simulat ion for one- lane tr af fic f low has very impo rtant meaning. Cellular automato n method is a typical method for this purpose. It could simulate some basic t raff ic regularities and phenomena. Yet it??s a discrete method. T radit ional formula based methods tend to determine the parameters w ith stat ic measures or set the pow er in a f ixed w ay. An imaginary slope model based on a built- in beam takes the stag e speeds as the tar get speeds to check and regulate the driving habit s. Wo rking on the basis of the primary imag inary slope model, this paper analy zed the init iat iv e driving habit s and passive decelerat ion habit s. Then it indir ect ly changed the car pow er and the rest ricting speed range of a leading car for the fo llow ing car by chang ing the car speed up- limit s and imaginar y slope lengths. In this w ay the accelerat ion and decelerat ion habits as w ell as the car fo llow ing habits had more f lex ibility. It w as applied to a simulat io n example and the calculat ion show ed that it??s fast enough.


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作者简介: 薛国新( 1962- ) , 男, 江苏武进人, 研究员, 计算机仿真编委, 研究方向为交通管理问题建模、仿真和 图像处理等
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-06-25