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Measurement and Prediction of Solubilities of Salbutamol and its Sulfate
陈玉婷 郭 伟 孙贤祥 王兆刚
常州大学石油化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
CHEN Yu- t ing GUO Wei SU N Xian- x iang WANG Zhao- gang
School of Pet rochemical Eng ineering , Chang zho u University, Changzhou 213164, China
溶解度 饱和法 沙丁胺醇 UNIFAC 溶解度预测
so lubility saturat io n metho d salbutamol UNIFA C pr edict ion of solubility
T Q 0281 5; T Q 0281 6; O 6421 4
用饱和法测定了沙丁胺醇游离碱在V ( 水) ∶V ( 甲醇) = 0.29 ∶0.71、V ( 甲醇) B V ( 丙醇) = 1 ∶1、正丙醇等体 系, 硫酸沙丁胺醇在V ( 水) B V ( 甲醇) = 0.29∶0.71、V ( 甲醇) ∶V ( 丙醇) = 1∶1 等体系下的溶解度。用4 种经验方程 对溶解度的实验结果进行了拟合, 用UNIFAC 模型对实验溶解度的估算进行了研究, 提出了ACOH/ CH 2 NH 与CH2 NH / AC OH 基团以及SO2- 4 与ACH 、ACOH、ACCH 2 、ACCH 和CH 2 NH 等的基团相互作用新参数, 并用于沙丁胺醇、沙丁胺醇 游离碱的溶解度预测, 预测值的方根均方差( Rs, d) 在0.022%- 1.910%。
The solubilit ies fo r salbutamo l and it s sulfate w er e measured ex perimentally by saturation metho d. The ex perimental solubility data w ere fit ted w ith four empirical equations. Predict io n of the exper-i mental solubilit ies fo r salbutamo l and salbutamol sulfate by using the original U NIFAC mo del w as made on the basis of use of the adjustable g roup interactio n parameters proposed in this paper. The pr edicted solubilit ies for salbutamo l and salbutamol sulfate w ere close to the measurement v alues with the root mean standard deviation r anging fr om 0.022% to 1.910% .


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作者简介: 陈玉婷( 1985- ) , 女, 江苏镇江人, 硕士研究生; 联系人: 孙贤祥。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-09-25