[1]张佳丽,袁宁一,等.帽子层对势垒层掺杂的GaN 基HEM T电学性能影响模拟[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(04):1-5.
 ZHANG Jia -li,YUAN Ning -yi,YE Feng,et al.Simulation of the Effect of Cap Layer on Electrical Properties of Doped Barrier Layer GaN-Based HEMT[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(04):1-5.

帽子层对势垒层掺杂的GaN 基HEM T电学性能影响模拟()




Simulation of the Effect of Cap Layer on Electrical Properties of Doped Barrier Layer GaN-Based HEMT
张佳丽1 袁宁一1 2 叶 枫1 丁建宁1 2
1.常州大学低维材料微纳器件及系统研究中心, 江苏 常州 213164 ;2.常州市新能源重点实验室, 江苏 常州 213164
ZHANG Jia -li 1 YUAN Ning -yi 1 2 YE Feng 1 DING Jian -ning1 2
1.Center fo r Low -Dimensional Materials , Micro -Nano Device s and System , Chang zhou Universi ty , Changzhou 213164 , China ;2 .Changzho u Key Laboratory of New Energy Source , Changzhou 213164 , China)
AlGaN/ GaN H EMT 器件模拟输出特性转移特性
AlGaN/GaN HEMT device simulation output characteri stic t ransfer characte ristic
O 47 
研究了势垒层掺杂的GaN 基H EMT 结构上的帽子层对该器件电学特性的影响。并对i -AlGaN , i-GaN , i-InGaN 3 种不同材料的帽子层进行比较。从模拟结果可知, i-AlGaN 帽子层虽然提高了GaN 基H EM T 的阈值电压, 但同时也提高了 跨导和最大漏源饱和电流, 在GaN 基H EMT 器件设计和工艺制造过程中选取i-AlGaN 作为帽子层对于提高器件的电学性能 来说具有一定的指导意义。
The cap lay er w as added to a GaN -based HEMT of do ped bar rier lay er using ISE TCAD sof tw are .The impact on elect rical properties of GaN -based HEMT about the cap laye r w ere studied .And the impact on the propert ies of HEMT about the i -AlGaN , i -G aN , i -InGaN cap layers were compared . The simula tion resul ts show that the i -AlGaN cap lay er not o nly improved the thresho ld vol tage of GaN -based HEMT , but improved the t ransco nductance and maximum drain -source saturation cur rent .In the manufacturing process and device desig n , it is g reat posit ive sig nif icance to select i -AlGaN cap lay er to improve the electrical propert ies o f GaN -based HEMT .


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作者简介:张佳丽(1981 -), 女, 山东临沂人, 硕士生;通讯联系人:袁宁一。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25