[1]何祖明,夏咏梅,郑明芳,等.自蔓延高温合成MgCNi3 的热力学计算与分析[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(04):11-14.
 HE Zu- ming,XIA Yong- mei,LI Shu- ming,et al.Thermodynamics Calculation and Analysis of Self- Propagating High- Temperature Synthesis MgCNi3[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(04):11-14.

自蔓延高温合成MgCNi3 的热力学计算与分析()




Thermodynamics Calculation and Analysis of Self- Propagating High- Temperature Synthesis MgCNi3
何祖明1 夏咏梅2 郑明芳1 李书明1
1.常州大学怀德学院, 江苏 常州 213016; 2.兰州理工大学, 甘肃 兰州 730050610054
HE Zu- ming 1 XIA Yong- mei2 LI Shu- ming1 ZHENG Ming- fang1
1. H uaide Col leg e, Changzho u University, Changzhou 213016, China; 2. Lanzhou U niversity of Technolog y, Lanzhou 730050, China
自蔓延高温合成 热力学 自由焓 绝热温度
SHS thermody namics free enthalpy adiabat ic temperature
T G 1111 3
对Mg- C- Ni 3 元体系进行了热力学计算, 绘出了反应的标准自由焓随温度变化的曲线、绝热温度随Ni 含量变化的曲 线以及绝热温度随预热温度变化的曲线。分析表明: M g- C- Ni 体系的主要反应是M g+ C+ 3Ni= MgC Ni 3; 体系的绝热温度 随Ni 含量的增加而下降, 当预热温度为900 K 且绝热的条件下, 理论计算Ni 最佳的含量77.8%; 若Ni 含量过大, 体系的绝 热温度小于1 800 K 时, 可以适当的提高预热温度, 来确保反应的自发进行; 预热温度太低时不能点燃反应, 预热温度应该大 于893 K, 并且绝热温度随预热温度的升高而升高。
Accor ding to the thermo dynamic principles, the Mg- C- Ni sy stem w as thermody namics calculated. The paper show ed curves of standard fr ee enthalpy w ith temperature chang es, the cur ves of adiabatic temperature w ith N i content changes and the curves o f adiabat ic temper ature w ith preheat ing temperature. T he analyt ic result show ed that the main reactio n formula of the thr ee sy stem w as Mg+ C + 3Ni= MgCN i3 . T he adiabatic temperature o f the sy stem w ould descend as Ni co ntent of the system increased. If preheat ing temperature w as 900 K, the opt imal theo ret ical Ni content w as 771 8% . When the Ni content w as too high and the adiabat ic temperature of the system w as under 1 800 K, heightening preheat ing temperature co uld insure that the react ion w as spo ntaneous. The sample could not be ignited by elect rical arc if the preheat ing temperature w as to o low . In the co ndition, MgCNi3 could be sy nthesized by SHS at o ver 893 K of preheating temper ature . If the preheat ing temperature w ent up, the adiabatic temperature of the system w ould go up.


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基金项目: 卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室开放课题( SOED0912) 作者简介: 何祖明( 1980- ) , 男, 湖南新田人, 讲师。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25