[1]韩 峰,徐崇福,李贞奇,等.药物中间体α- 乙酰基环己酮的合成工艺[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(04):24-27.
 HAN Feng,XU Chong- fu,LI Zhen- qi,et al.Synthesis and Characteriztion of Medicine Intermediates α- Acetylcyclohexanone[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(04):24-27.

药物中间体α- 乙酰基环己酮的合成工艺()




Synthesis and Characteriztion of Medicine Intermediates α- Acetylcyclohexanone
韩 峰 徐崇福 李贞奇 周柳怡
常州大学石油化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164
HAN Feng XU Chong- fu LI Zhen- qi ZHOU Liu- y i
School of Pet rochemical Engineering, Jiang su Polytechnic U niv ersity, Chang zhou 213164, China
α- 乙酰基环己酮 缩合反应 酰基化
α- acety lcyclohexanone condensation acylation
O 621 415
α- 乙酰基环己酮是一种重要的医药中间体。环己酮和吗啡啉以有机溶剂甲苯为共沸剂, 以对甲苯磺酸为催化剂, 进行 缩合反应生成烯胺, 然后加入缚酸剂三乙胺, 滴加乙酰氯和有机溶剂的混合物, 烯胺与乙酰氯发生亲核加成反应, 生成亚胺正 离子, 最后加入浓盐酸对亚胺正离子进行水解, 生成研究产物2- 乙酰基环己酮。产物结构经红外光谱、核磁共振氢谱分析验 证与目标化合物的结构一致。该方法经济环保, 简单易操作。
α- acety lcyclohexanone is an important pharmaceut ical intermediate. With toluene as azeot ropic ag ent and toluene- p- sulfonic acid as cataly st cyclohex ano ne and morpho line co condensate, enamine w as generated. And then it underw ent nucleophillic addit ion w ith acety lchloride in presence of deacid reag ent tr iethylamine to yield an imidic cation and f inally underw ent hydrolysis w ith concentr ated hydrochlo ric acid to y ield the targ et pro duct α- acetylcyclohex ano ne. St ructure o f the compo und w as conf irmed by both IR and NMR spect rosco py. This sy nthetic method is economical and enviro nmental ly benign and operato r friendly.


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基金项目: 常州大学科技基金项目( ZMF05020022) 作者简介: 韩峰( 1983- ) , 男, 江苏丹阳人, 硕士生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25