[1]许波洪,张 跃.不对称氢转移合成R- ( - ) - Baclofen[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2010,(04):28-30.
 XU Bo- hong,ZHANG Yue.Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation to Synthesize R- ( - ) - Baclofen[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(04):28-30.

不对称氢转移合成R- ( - ) - Baclofen()




Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation to Synthesize R- ( - ) - Baclofen
许波洪1 张 跃2
1.南京金凌石化工程设计有限公司, 江苏 南京 210033; 2.常州大学制药与生命科学学院, 江苏 常州 213164
XU Bo- hong 1 ZHANG Yue2
1.Nanjing Jinling Petr ochemical Engineering Co. , Ltd. , Nanjing 210033, China; 2. School o f Pharmaceut ical Eng ineer ing and Life Science, Chang zhou U niversity , Changzho u 213164, China
不对称氢化 合成 亲核取代 R- ( - ) - Baclof en
asymmet ric transfer hydrog enation sy nthesize nucleophile R- ( - ) - Baclofen
O 622
以外消旋的B- 羟基酮酸酯为原料, 通过不对称氢转移的方法, 高效的合成了光学活性的手性中间体B- 羟基酮酸酯, 光 学纯度达到98%, 然后通过亲核取代反应生成了光学活性的B- 氰基丙酮酸酯, 最后还原生成R- ( - ) - Bacl of en 。
By use of asymmet ric tr ansfer hydrog enation, the o pt ical chiral intermediate B- hydrox yester w as o btained w ith high chemical yield ( 91% ) and hig h enant ioselect ivity ( 98% e1 e1 ) . The chiral intermediate β- cynoester w as obtained af ter a nucleophilic reaction. Af ter being reduced w ith NaBH4 , the R- ( - ) - Baclofen w as o btained w ith high enant iomeric excess.


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作者简介: 许波洪( 1966- ) , 男, 江苏南京人, 工程师。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25