 SU N Xian- x iang,Gao Xiao- x in,SUN Ling- zhi.Effect of Solvent on Resolution of Racemate Via Diastereomeric Salt Formation[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2010,(04):69-74.





Effect of Solvent on Resolution of Racemate Via Diastereomeric Salt Formation
孙贤祥1 高晓新1 孙凌志2
1.常州大学石油化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164; 2.密西西比亚大学化学系
SU N Xian- x iang1 Gao Xiao- x in1 SUN Ling- zhi2
1.School o f Pet ro chemical Engineering , Chang zhou U niv ersity, Changzho u 213164, China; 2. Department of Chemist ry, Mississippi University
拆分溶剂 溶剂效应 非对映体盐形成 结晶
reso lut ion solvent so lvent ef fect diastereomeric salt formatio n cr ystallizat io n
O 6411 6; R 9141 5
溶剂在拆分过程中起着重要作用, 拆分溶剂的选择是非对映体盐结晶拆分中的重要条件之一。非对映体盐形成的拆分溶 剂和溶剂效应的研究有助于控制非对映体盐的构型和提高拆分效率, 还有助于人们对非对映体盐结晶拆分中手性识别机理的认 识。评述了消旋体的拆分效率、非对映体盐结晶、非对映盐溶剂化物形成等与溶剂的依存关系。 关键
Screening suitable solvent is o f impor tance, since solvent plays an important ro le in reso lut ion pro cess. Resolution solv ent is one of critical conditio ns for o pt ical reso lut ion by crystal lizat ion. Study on bo th resolut io n so lvent and ef fect of solvent o n reso lut ion o f racemate v ia diastereomeric salt format ion is helpful to cont ro l configurat io n of the cro p, to improv e eff iciency and economy of the reso lut ion process, and to understand further chiral discriminat ion mechanism involved in diastereomeric reso lut ion. In the present paper, the so lvent dependency of reso lut ion ef ficiency, solv ate formation and of the config ur at ion of the ex cess enant iomer in the less- soluble diastereomeric salt are r eview ed.


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作者简介: 孙贤祥( 1946- ) , 男, 江苏句容人, 教授, 研究方向: 手性药物拆分和药物电化学传感器。
更新日期/Last Update: 2010-12-25