 SONG Chao-peng,LIANG Yu-ting,LI Ding-long.Research Progress of Materials Used as Immobilized Denitrifying Microorganisms[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2012,(03):88-92.





Research Progress of Materials Used as Immobilized Denitrifying Microorganisms
常州大学 环境与安全工程学院,江苏 常州 213164
SONG Chao-pengLIANG Yu-tingLI Ding-long
School of Environmental and Safety Engineering,Changzhou University,Changzhou 213164,China
脱氮 微生物固定化 新型载体
nitrogen removal microbial immobilization new immobilized carriers
X 522
生物脱氮是处理氮污染水体常用的方法之一。日益成熟的微生物固定化技术能够弥补传统生物脱氮技术的缺陷,满足高效脱氮的目的。高效能的微生物菌种、专一的固定化载体、固定化过程的优化是影响固定化脱氮效果的3大因素,其中固定化载体是连结微生物与其微生态环境的纽带,直接关系到水体氮污染的去除率效果。简述了传统的微生物固定化载体材料在脱氮方面的应用成果; 系统的介绍国内外微生物固定化载体材料在复合、改性方面的研究进展; 并阐明了新型的改性复合材料的开发将成为固定化载体材料用于水体脱氮研究的重点方向之一。
Biological denitrification is a commonly used method fortreatment of nitrogen contaminated water.The fast developing microbial immobilization technologies can compensate for the defects of traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, and meet the requirement of efficient nitrogen removal.High-performance microbial strains, the specificity of the immobilized carriers,immobilization process optimization are three major factors affecting immobilized microbial nitrogen removal, of which immobilized carrier is the linkage between microbes and their survival microenvironment, and significantly influence nitrogen removal efficiency.The survey first summarizes the application of the traditional microbial immobilization carriers materials in nitrogen removal, then focuses on the research progress in newly composed materials and modified materials. Finally, the paper indicated that the newly composed and modified immobilizedmaterials are main development orientations in water nitrogen removal in further study.


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基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金资助(BK2011233); 常州市应用基础研究项目(CJ20110022) 作者简介:宋超鹏(1988-),男,安徽阜阳人,硕士生; 通讯联系人:梁玉婷。
更新日期/Last Update: 2012-06-30