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Effect of Organic Structure on Pyrolysis Behavior of Sewage Sludge from Landfill Leachate
刘 鹏 刘 莉 周政忠 呼和涛力 袁浩然 郑 涛
(常州大学 城乡矿山研究院, 江苏 常州 213164)
LIU Peng LIU Li ZHOU Zhengzhong Huhetaoli YUAN Haoran ZHENG Tao
(Institute of Urban and Rural Mining, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
污泥热解 有机碳结构 热解产物分布 热解气组分
pyrolysis of sewage sludge organic carbon structure pyrolysis product distribution gas composition
X 705
热解是垃圾渗滤液污泥达到减量化、 无害化、 资源化处置的有效方式之一。试验通过污泥固定床热解分析不同温度下热解产物分布及热解气组分, 利用固体核磁测定污泥有机碳结构、 热失重分析仪分析污泥的热失重行为, 系统地阐释垃圾渗滤液污泥有机碳结构对其热解行为的影响规律。结果表明, 污泥中的H/C原子比高达1.97, 乙基碳比例为20.98%, 脂肪碳链较长, 与杂原子相连的脂肪碳比例为22.99%, 其两个热失重速率最大峰在247 ℃与298 ℃处。在400~600 ℃温度内, 热解挥发分形成动态稳定, 热解产物产率保持动态平衡, H2与甲烷释放速率在500 ℃时达到最大值。600 ℃后, 焦油中的长链烃与热解水发生二次裂解重整反应, 半焦气化反应加剧, 热解气产率不断增加, CO释放速率不断增加。
Pyrolysis is one of effective method for reduction, innocuity and resource utilization for sewage sludge from landfill leachate. Pyrolysis experiments were carried out in a fixed bed reactor and product distribution and gas composition were analyzed. The carbon structure and thermogravimetry analysis were monitored by 13C solid nuclear magnetic resonance(13C NMR)and thermogravimetry analyzer, respectively. The effect of organic carbon structure in sewage sludge on pyrolysis behavior is expressed indetail. The results show that the aliphatic carbon chain in sewage sludge is long seen from 1.97 of H/C ratio and 20.98% of ethyl carbon. The heteroatom-linked aliphatic carbon in sewage sludge is high(22.99%)so that the maximum peak value of DTG is at 247 ℃ and 298 ℃. The pyrolysis volatiles formation reached dynamic stability in the temperature range 400—600 ℃. Pyrolysis product yield maintained dynamic equilibrium. H2 and methane release rate reached the maximum at 500 ℃. The long chain hydrocarbon in tar and pyrolysis water undergo secondary pyrolysis and reforming reaction after 600 ℃. Char gasification reaction intensifies result in the increment of pyrolysis gas yield. CO release rate increases continuously.


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收稿日期:2021-07-07。基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC1901203); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51906021, 51703014)。作者简介:刘鹏(1989—), 男, 安徽石台人, 博士, 讲师。 E-mail: liupeng@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01