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Hydrate Nucleation Characteristics of Waxy W/O(Water-in-Oil) Systems and Its Induction Time Model
柳 扬1 吕晓方1 史博会2 陈玉川2 周诗岽1 雷 云1 于鹏飞1 闫柯乐3
(1. 常州大学 石油工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164; 2. 中国石油大学(北京)机械与储运工程学院, 北京 102249; 3. 中国石油化工股份有限公司 青岛安全工程研究院, 山东 青岛 266071)
LIU Yang1 LYU Xiaofang1 SHI Bohui2 CHEN Yuchuan2 ZHOU Shidong1 LEI Yun1 YU Pengfei1 YAN Kele3
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Storage & Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China; 3. Research Institute of Safety Enginee
水合物 成核驱动力 传质 诱导期 模型
hydrates nucleation driving force mass transfer induction time model
TH 3
明确含蜡W/O(油包水型乳状液)体系水合物成核特性是保障深海油气开采及集输管道安全的关键, 水合物生成诱导期是描述成核特性的基础参数。基于反应釜中含蜡及不含蜡W/O体系水合物生成诱导期实验, 首先定义实验体系诱导期为体系达到相平衡温度时刻与观测到升温峰时刻间的时间间隔; 其次发现含蜡体系诱导期显著长于不含蜡体系的诱导期, 且随着W/O体系含蜡量增加, 诱导期延长。根据蜡晶油水界面吸附理论以及水合物界面成核特性, 认为油水界面吸附的蜡晶将增加成核的传质阻力, 延长诱导期。与气-水体系相比, W/O体系水合物成核除了受到本征驱动力驱动, 还受到异相成核作用以及传质作用等的影响。最后, 基于上述机理, 首次建立了反应釜中考虑蜡晶对传质影响的W/O体系水合物诱导期模型, 预测相对误差小于15%。
Clarifying the characteristics and mechanisms of hydrate nucleation in W/O emulsion systems is essential to guarantee the safety of deep-water oil and gas development as well as gathering lines. Hydrate formation induction time is the critical parameter to describe hydrate nucleation. Based on the hydrate formation induction time experiments of W/O systems with and without wax in the autoclave, firstly, the time interval between the time point when the system reached its phase equilibrium temperature and the time point when an obvious temperature increase peak was observed and defined as the induction time of the experimental system. Thereafter, it was found that the induction time of wax-containing systems was significantly longer than that of the wax-free system. Meanwhile, the induction time increased with increasing wax content of W/O systems. According to the theory of wax adsorption at the water-oil interface and interfacial nucleation characteristics of hydrates, it was supposed that the adsorbed wax crystals on the surface of water droplets would increase the resistance of hydrate nucleation, and prolong the induction time. Compared to the gas-water system, hydrate nucleation in W/O systems was not only driven by the intrinsic driving force, but also the heterogeneous nucleation and mass transfer effect. Finally,a model, which considered the effect of wax crystal on the mass transfer process during hydrate nucleation, was first developed to predict the induction time of W/O systems in the autoclave, and showed good predicting accuracy(relative deviation is less than 15%).


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收稿日期:2021-03-29。基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52004039, 51804046, 51974037)。作者简介:柳扬(1993—), 男, 安徽六安人, 博士, 讲师。E-mail: liu.y@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01