 HAO Yongmei,WU Yujia,XING Zhixiang,et al.Propagation Characteristics of Leakage Infrasonic Waves in Urban Non-Metallic Pipe[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(01):78-85.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.01.009]





Propagation Characteristics of Leakage Infrasonic Waves in Urban Non-Metallic Pipe
HAO Yongmei1 WU Yujia1 XING Zhixiang1 SHEN Jun2 XU Ning3 YANG Jian3
(1.School of Environmental & Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2.Branch of Changzhou Jiangsu Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Institute, Changzhou 213016, China; 3.Changzhou Ganghua Gas Co., Ltd., Changz
管道泄漏 次声波信号 数值模拟 频谱特性 衰减特性
pipeline leakage infrasound wave signal numerical simulation spectrum characteristics attenuation characteristics
X 933
为研究城市管道泄漏次声波信号的传播规律, 通过COMSOL Multiphysics软件建立非金属管道二维模型, 揭示管道次声波泄漏信号的频谱特性和衰减规律。模拟结果表明:气体管道泄漏次声波信号能量主要分布于1 Hz和17 Hz, 泄漏孔径越大, 管内压力越大, 其能量越趋向于17 Hz, 而液体管道泄漏次声波信号能量主要分布于1 Hz; 管道稳态运行时, 管内次声波信号随传播距离的增加而近似成指数衰减, 管内介质密度越小, 次声波信号衰减越大, 且次声波泄漏信号在介质水中衰减速度较空气中的快; 泄漏孔径大小对次声波信号衰减影响不大。
In order to study the propagation rules of leakage infrasound signals from urban pipelines, COMSOL Multiphysics was used to establish 2D non-metallic pipeline models, and reveal the spectrum characteristics and attenuation characteristics of the infrasound wave signal. The simulation results shows that the energy of the leakage infrasonic signal of the gas pipeline is mainly distributed in 1 Hz and 17 Hz. The larger the leakage aperture, the greater the pressure, and the more its energy tends to be 17 Hz. The energy of the leakage infrasonic signal of liquid pipeline is mainly distributed in 1 Hz. During the steady operation of the pipeline, the infrasonic signal in the pipeline decays exponetially with the increase of propagation distance. The smaller the density of the medium in the pipeline, the greater the attenuation of the infrasound signal, and the attenuation speed of the leakage of infrasound signal in water is faster than that in gas. The size of the leakage aperture has little effect on the attenuation of the infrasonic wave.


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收稿日期: 2021-06-29。
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划资助子项目(2019YFC0810700); 江苏省重点研究发展计划资助(BE2018642); 江苏省研究生科研创新资助项目(KYCX20_2584)。
作者简介: 郝永梅(1970—), 女, 重庆人, 硕士, 教授。通信联系人: 邢志祥(1967—), E-mail: xingzhixiang@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01