 YANG Ying,JIA Bingyi,ZHANG Ximei,et al.Effect and Mechanism of LED Blue Light Phototherapy on Melanin Synthesis of B16F10[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(01):86-92.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.01.010]





Effect and Mechanism of LED Blue Light Phototherapy on Melanin Synthesis of B16F10
YANG Ying JIA Bingyi ZHANG Ximei LYU Jinpeng SONG Guoqiang
(School of Pharmacy, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
LED蓝光 黑色素合成 酪氨酸酶 信号通路
LED blue melanin synthesis tyrosinase signal pathway
TP 39
探讨了LED蓝光光疗对小鼠皮肤黑色素瘤细胞(B16F10)色素合成的影响, 研究相关机制。选用状态良好的B16F10细胞, 采用MTT法测定不同剂量LED蓝光光疗治疗3 d后对 B16F10 细胞活力的影响, 确定安全剂量范围; 采用Masson-Fontana黑色素胺银染色测定LED蓝光光疗对黑色素合成和黑色素小体转运的影响; 采用Western blot 检测黑色素相关蛋白表达, 检测通路激活。实验结果确定LED蓝光照射安全剂量为1, 5, 10, 20, 40 J/cm2, 与空白对照组相比, 不同剂量LED蓝光照射后黑色素合成相关蛋白TYR, TRP-1显著上升, 呈现剂量依赖性, 未明显影响DCT的表达。小眼畸形转录因子(Mitf)表达明显上升, p38通路被激活, ERK通路被抑制。LED蓝光光疗通过激活p38信号通路, 抑制ERK信号通路, 上调了黑色素合成相关蛋白的表达, 促进黑色素合成。
LED blue is a common form of clinical treatment.It has been reported that LED blue can be used to treat vitiligo patients by promiting melanogenesis. However, the associated mechanisms of melanogenesis and phenotypic alterations have mostly remained unknown.In this study, the effects of LED blue were determined on melanogenesis, cellular phenotypic alterations, changes in the location of melanosomes and the expression of relevant proteins in melanocytes using Masson-Fontana ammoniacal silver staining, scanning electron microscopy and western blot analysis.Through the above experiments, melanin contents and cell viability were evaluated. It was collectively indicated that LED blue(1, 5, 10, 20, 40 J/cm2)activated melanin synthesis and intracellular tyrosinase activity. LED blue induced the expression of tyrosinase, tyrosinase-related protein TRP-1 and also enhanced microphthalmia-associated transcription factor(Mitf)expression.The phosphorylation of p38 was significantly increased and ERK was inhibited.The results suggest that LED blue enhances melanin synthesis by upregulating the expression of melanogenic enzymes, thereby having a pivotal role in melanocytes.These enzymes were activated by p38 signaling pathways and inhibited by ERK signaling pathways,in leading to Mitf expression.Therefore, the finding may provide new evidence for the treatment of vitiligo patients with LED blue.


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收稿日期: 2021-04-19。
作者简介: 杨莹(1997—), 女, 江苏常州人, 硕士生。通信联系人: 宋国强(1969—), E-mail: sgq@cczu.edu.cn
引用本文: 杨莹, 贾冰怡, 张锡梅, 等. LED蓝光光疗对黑色素合成的作用及机制[J]. 常州大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 34(1): 86-92.
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01