 ZHOU Faqi,DENG Guiwen,FU Shuangcheng,et al.Numerical Simulation of Oil Droplets Coalescence and Breakup in Oil-Water Separating Disc Centrifuge[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(02):65-73.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.02.008]





Numerical Simulation of Oil Droplets Coalescence and Breakup in Oil-Water Separating Disc Centrifuge
ZHOU Faqi12 DENG Guiwen12 FU Shuangcheng12 YUAN Huixin12 HU Yilong3 CAO Guozhen1
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Rail Transit, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Green Process Equipment, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 3. Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200540, China)
油水两相流 碟式分离机 群平衡模型 分离效率
oil water two-phase flow disc centrifuge population balance model separation efficiency
TE 626; TK 79
现有油水分离用碟式分离机相关研究均忽略了液滴的聚并与破碎行为,以及其对内部流场和分离性能的影响规律,致使碟式分离机理论难以深化,严重制约着碟式分离机的发展及应用。为此,采用CFD-PBM耦合模型研究油滴在碟式分离机内的聚并、破碎行为以及该行为对分离性能的影响。结果表明入口油滴的粒径主要为8~40 μm,而预分离区和轻相出口的油滴粒径在80 μm以上,说明油滴在这两个位置主要发生聚并行为。在碟片间隙和底部流道,油滴粒径由预分离区的80 μm降低至70 μm左右,说明油滴在这两个位置主要发生破碎行为。将模拟所得分离效率与实验所得结果对比,发现其误差最大仅为5%,表明PBM模型可以较为准确地揭示油滴在碟式分离机中的聚并与破碎行为。通过研究发现油滴在碟式分离机中的确存在着明显的聚并与破碎行为,并且以聚并为主。研究结果不仅能为深入研究碟式分离机的分离性能奠定基础,也能为碟式分离机的结构设计提供理论指导。
Literature on disc centrifuge for oil-water separation has neglected the coalescence and breakup behavior of droplets, as well as its influence on the internal flow field and separation performance. As a result, the theory of disc centrifuge is difficult to deepen, which restricts the development and application of disc centrifuge. Therefore, the coalescence and breakup behavior of oil droplets in the disc centrifuge were investigated with the CFD-PBM coupling model in this paper, as well as the law of influence on the separation performance. The results show that the particle size of the inlet oil droplets is mainly 8—40 μm, while the particle size of the oil droplets in the pre-separation zone and the light phase outlet is above 80 μm, indicating that the oil droplets mainly coalesce at these two positions. In the disc gap and bottom runner, the particle size of the oil droplets was reduced from 80 μm in the pre-separation zone to about 70 μm, indicating that the oil droplets mainly break up at these two locations. In addition, comparing the separation efficiency obtained by simulation with the experimental results, it is found that the maximum error is only 5%, which shows that the coalescence and breakup behavior of oil droplets in disc centrifuge can be accurately revealed by PBM model. In summary, oil droplets do have obvious coalescence and breakup behavior in the disc centrifuge, and coalescence behavior is the main one. This article not only lays the foundation for the in-depth study of the separation performance of the disc centrifuge, but also provides a theoretical guidance for the structural design of the disc centrifuge.


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收稿日期: 2021-10-18。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(21676031); 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究项目资助(20KJA470001)。
作者简介: 周发戚(1990—), 男, 安徽六安人, 博士, 讲师。通信联系人: 付双成(1976—), E-mail: fushch711@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01