¡¡ZHOU Zhengwei,ZHANG Yeming,XIA Jinyu,et al.Detection and Control Technologies of Odor Pollution in Municipal Solid Waste(MSW)Landfills[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(04):26-34.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.04.004]





Detection and Control Technologies of Odor Pollution in Municipal Solid Waste(MSW)Landfills
ZHOU Zhengwei1 ZHANG Yeming1 XIA Jinyu2 YAO Fenggen2 ZHU Shuiyuan2
(1.School of Environmental & Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2.Suzhou Environmental Sanitation Administration Agency, Suzhou 215007, China)
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municipal solid waste(MSW)landfill odor pollution source detection control technologies
X 51
In the light of odor pollution in municipal solid waste(MSW)landfills, this paper reviews the research progress of analytical methods and control technologies of odorous gas. It was pointed out that the open operation areas were the major source of odorous gas in landfills. Besides, the olfactory method and instrumental method in the analysis of odor pollution were compared in terms of their principles, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the principles and applications of several odor pollution control technologies, including the covering method, the spraying of anti-odor liquid and the combustion method, were also presented. Above all, recommendations were suggested in according to the limitations of current situation in the odor pollution control in China.


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