 LIU Jie,HE Haoming,ZHOU Xiaoying.Absorption of Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid(CHA)[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(05):72-81.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.05.010]





Absorption of Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid(CHA)
LIU Jie1 HE Haoming2 ZHOU Xiaoying1
(1.School of Pharmacy, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China; 2.Changzhou Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Changzhou 213164, China)
迷迭香酸 交联透明质酸 透皮吸收 天然渗透促进剂 细胞毒性
rosmarinic acid cross-linked hyaluronic acid transdermal absorption natural penetration enhancer cytotoxicity
R 9
研究迷迭香酸(RosA)对增强交联透明质酸(CHA)透皮吸收的影响,获取RosA并制备CHA。建立体外大鼠透皮分析模型,通过微量CHA检测方法和细胞毒性测定模型,研究透明质酸和交联透明质酸在不同时间和温度下的稳定性,评估RosA对CHA透皮的增强作用,并与氮酮比较,同时考察RosA的细胞毒性。结果显示含体积分数5% RosA的CHA皮肤渗透增强,比常规氮酮有效。随着RosA质量浓度的增加,交联透明质酸的透皮率随之增加(***P=0.001)。RosA不显示体外细胞毒性,用于交联透明质酸渗透促进剂的RosA(10 mg/mL)不影响细胞生长。
To investigate the effects of Rosmarinic acid(RosA)on enhancing the transdermal absorption of cross-linked hyaluronic acid(CHA), RosA was obtained and CHA was prepared. The rat-skin transdermal in vitro model was established, the CHA micro-assay and cytotoxicity model were established. The stability of HA and CHA at different time-points and temperatures were investigated, the enhancing effects of RosA and combinations on CHA transdermal were evaluated, and the cytotoxicity of RosA were investigated. The results showed that 5% RosA enhanced skin penetration of CHA and was more effective than conventional azone. With the increase of RosA concentrations, the transdermal rate of CHA was increased(***P=0.001). RosA(10 mg/mL)used as the CHA transdermal penetration enhancer did not affect cell growth in vitro.


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收稿日期: 2022-04-08。
基金项目: 海外人才研究实验室启动资助项目(Z391405); 江苏省研究生研究与实践创新资助项目(KYCX19_1777); 常州大学生命科学研究资助项目(ZMF14020066)。
作者简介: 刘杰(1996—), 男, 江苏扬州人, 硕士生。通信联系人: 周晓鹰(1957—), E-mail: xiaoyingzhou@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01