 XING Shuming,WU Tong,SUN Hongji,et al.Wrought Aluminum Alloy for Molten Metal Die Forging(MMDF)and Its Progress[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2022,34(06):1-8.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2022.06.001]





Wrought Aluminum Alloy for Molten Metal Die Forging(MMDF)and Its Progress
XING Shuming1 WU Tong1 SUN Hongji1 OU Liming1 PAN Qijun2 HU Baili2 WANG Chao2
(1.School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100064, China; 2.Wuhu Hetian Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., Wuhu 241100, China)
液态模锻 挤压铸造 铝合金
molten metal die forging(MMDF) squeeze casting aluminum alloy
TG 316.3
铸造铝合金液态模锻的研究与应用十分活跃,但变形铝合金液态模锻的研究却鲜有报道。液态模锻是利用金属材料在液相线附近的流变特性进行零件成型的一种工艺技术,变形铝合金同样可以进行液态模锻。文章首先总结归纳了变形铝合金液态模锻的研究与应用现状,综合分析了变形铝合金液态模锻技术关键和强韧化机制,指出液锻变形铝合金将形成一大类新的高强轻质材料,今后的主要研究课题是:① 间接液锻成型中复杂工件的开裂、偏析以及成形不完整等缺陷的防控; ② 液锻变形铝合金的热处理工艺优化; ③ 变形铝合金材料的预处理,模具、设备及液锻工艺等多环节协同控制,实现变形铝合金的高性能成型。
The research and application of the molten metal die forging(MMDF for short)of cast aluminum alloy are very active, but the research of MMDF of wrought aluminum alloy is rarely reported. MMDF is a process technology for forming parts by using the rheological properties of metal materials near the liquidus. Wrought aluminum alloy can also be used for MMDF. Firstly, the research and app lication status of MMDF wrought aluminum alloy was summarized in this paper, and then the key technology and strengthening and toughening mechanism of MMDF wrought aluminum alloy was comprehensively analyzed. Finally, it was pointed out that MMDFwrought aluminum alloy would form a series of new materials with high-strength and light density, and there would be three main research topics of MMDF wrought aluminum alloy in the future: ① prevention and control of cracking, segregation and incomplete forming defects in indirect MMDF of complex workpiece; ② optimization of heat treatment process of MMDF wrought aluminum alloy; ③ integrated control of the pretreatment of wrought aluminum alloy materials, design and manufacture of the dies, selection of the equipment and MMDF process to realize the high-performance forming.


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收稿日期: 2022-05-26。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(510327); 安徽省重点研发资助项目(202004a05020069)。
作者简介: 邢书明(1962—), 男, 河北平山人, 博士, 教授。 E-mail: smxing@bjtu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01