[1]李婷芳,鲍培玮,邢书明,等.钴铬钼合金股骨柄液态模锻的数值模拟[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2023,35(02):10-16.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.02.002 ]
 LI Tingfang,BAO Peiwei,XING Shuming,et al.Numerical simulation of melted metal die forging of CoCrMo alloy femoral stem[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2023,35(02):10-16.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.02.002 ]

钴铬钼合金股骨柄液态模锻的数值模拟 ()




Numerical simulation of melted metal die forging of CoCrMo alloy femoral stem
李婷芳1 鲍培玮1 邢书明1 李 强2
(1.北京交通大学 机械与电子控制工程学院, 北京 100044; 2.河北光德精密机械股份有限公司, 河北 沧州 061106)
LI Tingfang1 BAO Peiwei1 XING Shuming1 LI Qiang2
(1.School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2.Hebei Guangde Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd., Cangzhou 061106, China)
钴铬钼合金 股骨柄 液态模锻 数值模拟 氧化物
CoCrMo alloy femoral stem forging casting numerical simulation oxides
TG 319
The article researched simulation of the melted metal die forging process of temperature field, velocity field, shrinkage porosity and oxides of femoral stem of CoCrMo alloy and effects of casting temperature, mold temperature and forging speed on the filling and solidification with the help of the software ProCAST. The results indicated molten metal impact ran into the wall of the mold cavity and formed turbulent flow in the neck and head of the femoral stem,which posed risk of gas entrainment. Forging speed has obvious influence on oxides: the higher of forging speed, the lower of oxides contents. The molten alloy ran into the wall of the mold cavity and formed turbulent flow in the neck and head of the femoral stem whose top appeared oxides-rich area. CoCrMo alloy femoral stem whose casting was complete without shrinkage porosity have been gotten by injecting inert gas into the mold cavity before molten alloy pouring and setting the exhaust groove at the front of the femoral stem and exhaust plug at the highest position of the head of femoral stem.


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收稿日期: 2022-10-11。
作者简介: 李婷芳(1999—), 女, 湖南郴州人, 硕士生。 通信联系人: 邢书明(1962—), E-mail: smxing@bjtu.edu.cn

更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01