[1]李 铭,娄 超,恽 一,等.具有双夹紧区物系带预分塔的分割热泵精馏工艺[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2023,35(02):26-35.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.02.004 ]
 LI Ming,LOU Chao,YUN Yi,et al.Split heat pump distillation process with pre-separation tower for double clamping zone[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2023,35(02):26-35.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.02.004 ]

具有双夹紧区物系带预分塔的分割热泵精馏工艺 ()




Split heat pump distillation process with pre-separation tower for double clamping zone
李 铭 娄 超 恽 一 万德浩 杨德明
(常州大学 石油化工学院, 江苏 常州 213164)
LI Ming LOU Chao YUN Yi WAN Dehao YANG Deming
(School of Petrochemical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
乙苯-苯乙烯 夹紧区 MVR热泵精馏 分割点质量分数 节能
ethylbenzene-styrene pinch point zone MVR heat pump distillation split point mass fraction energy saving
TQ 028.8
将机械蒸汽再压缩(MVR)热泵精馏应用于该物系的精馏节能研究,提出了带预分塔的三塔分割式热泵精馏工艺。选用PENG-ROB方程计算该物系的热力学数据,采用ASPEN PLUS软件中的严格精馏模型和多变压缩模型模拟精馏塔和蒸汽压缩机,并以能耗、年总费用(CTA)及热力学效率作为精馏工艺的评价指标,对提出的各种精馏工艺进行模拟与优化。研究结果表明,就单塔精馏工艺而言,单塔MVR热泵精馏工艺比常规精馏工艺节能58.25%、CTA节省约47.15%,热力学效率提高了1.00%。对于三塔分割式热泵精馏工艺,上塔(乙苯气相)和下塔(苯乙烯液相)的最佳分割点质量分数分别为0.91和0.85。带预分塔的三塔分割式热泵精馏工艺又比单塔MVR热泵精馏工艺节能16.67%,CTA节省约12.77%,热力学效率提高了9.90%。对于类似乙苯-苯乙烯这样具有双夹紧区特性的物系,带预分塔的三塔分割式热泵精馏工艺具有较好的技术和经济优势。
Mechanical vapor recompression(MVR)heat pump distillation was applied to the study of distillation energy saving for the system, and a three tower split heat pump distillation process with pre-separation tower was proposed. The thermodynamic data of the system were calculated by PENG-ROB equation. The strict distillation model and polytropic compression model were used to simulate distillation column and vapor compressor respectively. And taking energy consumption, total annual cost(CTA)and thermodynamic efficiency as the evaluation indexes of distillation process, the proposed distillation processes were simulated and optimized. The results showed that in terms of single column distillation process, the single tower MVR heat pump distillation process can save energy by 58.25%, CTA by 47.15% and increase thermodynamic efficiency by 1.00% respectively compared with the conventional distillation process. For the three tower split heat pump distillation process, optimal split point mass fraction of the upper tower and the lower tower were ωg(EB)=0.91 and ωl(SM)=0.85 respectively, and the three tower split heat pump distillation process with pre-separation tower can save energy by 16.67%, CTA by 12.77% and increase thermodynamic efficiency by 9.90% respectively compared with the single tower MVR heat pump distillation process. For systems with double pinch point zone characteristics such as ethylbenzene styrene, the three tower split heat pump distillation process with pre-separation tower has better technical and economic advantages.


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收稿日期: 2022-12-21。
作者简介: 李铭(1996—), 男, 江苏常州人, 硕士生。通信联系人: 杨德明(1966—), E-mail: dmy216@163.com

更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01