[1]丁桢岑,季伟伟,成悦,等.花生壳-磷矿粉共热解生物质炭的制备及吸附实验[J].常州大学学报(自然科学版),2023,35(03):52-60.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.03.007 ]
 DING Zhencen,JI Weiwei,CHENG Yue,et al.Preparation and adsorption of biochar from co-pyrolysis of peanut shell and phosphate rock powder[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2023,35(03):52-60.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.03.007 ]

花生壳-磷矿粉共热解生物质炭的制备及吸附实验 ()




Preparation and adsorption of biochar from co-pyrolysis of peanut shell and phosphate rock powder
(常州大学 环境科学与工程学院, 江苏 常州 213164)
DING Zhencen JI Weiwei CHENG YueHU HaoSHAO Min WAN Yushan
(School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
花生壳生物炭 磷矿粉 共热解 吸附
peanut shell biochar Pb ground phosphate rock co-pyrolysis adsorption
X 703
将花生壳生物炭与磷矿粉采用不同质量比进行共热解制备得到共热解生物炭,通过批量实验探究了溶液pH、生物炭投加量、初始重金属离子浓度、吸附时间对共热解生物炭吸附Pb2+的影响,利用Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附模型以及准一级和准二级吸附动力学模型拟合分析。结果表明,共热解生物炭吸附Pb2+的适宜pH为5。生物炭投加量为2 g/L,吸附时间为120 min条件下,Pb2+达到吸附平衡后,质量比为1:1时吸附量最大,吸附量为62.44 mg/g,且吸附过程符合Freundlich等温吸附模型和准二级吸附动力学模型。综上所述,所制备的花生壳-磷矿粉共热解生物炭对Pb2+的吸附能力明显优于花生壳生物炭,具有广阔的研究前景。
The co-pyrolytic biochar was prepared by co-pyrolysis of peanut shell biochar and phosphate rock powder with different weight ratios. The influences of solution PH value, biochar dosage, initial concentration of heavy metal ions and adsorption time on the adsorption of Pb2+ by co-pyrolytic biochar were investigated through batch experiments. Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal adsorption models as well as quasi-first-order and quasi-second-order adsorption kinetic models were used for fitting analysis. The results showed that the optimum pH value of co-pyrolysis biochar for Pb2+ adsorption was 5. Under the conditions of biochar dosage of 2 g/L and adsorption time of 120 min, Pb2+ reached adsorption equilibrium, the maximum adsorption capacity was 62.438 mg/g, and the adsorption process was in accordance with Freundlich isothermal adsorption model and quasi-second-order adsorption kinetics model. The results showed that the adsorption capacity of co-pyrolysis of peanut shell and phosphate rock powder to Pb2+ was obviously better than that of peanut shell biochar, which had broad research prospects.


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收稿日期: 2022-10-01。
基金项目: 江苏省研究生实践创新资助项目(SJCX21_1263)。
作者简介: 丁桢岑(1998—), 女, 江苏南京人, 硕士生。 通信联系人: 万玉山(1969—), E-mail: wanyushan@cczu.edu.cn

更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01