 LIU Guifeng,JIANG Yifan,KAN Deyuan,et al.Effect of the quality of recycled fine aggregate on the mechanical properties and microstructure of mortar[J].Journal of Changzhou University(Natural Science Edition),2023,35(06):65-72.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-0411.2023.06.009]





Effect of the quality of recycled fine aggregate on the mechanical properties and microstructure of mortar
刘桂凤 蒋逸凡 阚德远 陈正发
(常州大学 城市建设学院, 江苏 常州 213164)
LIU Guifeng JIANG Yifan KAN Deyuan CHEN Zhengfa
(School of Urban Construction, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China)
再生细骨料 砂浆 力学性能 微观结构 孔隙结构
recycled fine aggregate mortar mechanical properties microstructure pore structure
TU 502
The use of recycled fine aggregate as an alternative to natural sand will not only help to solve the shortage of river sand resources, but also help to manage construction waste. The properties of mortar prepared from recycled fine aggregate are closely related to the quality of recycled fine aggregate. In this study, recycled fine aggregate from different sources was collected and the quality of recycled fine aggregate was assessed by crushing value and mineral composition. Then, the recycled fine aggregate of different qualities was prepared into mortar, and the mechanical properties of the mortar were tested. Besides, the internal microstructure and pore structure characteristics of the RFA mortar were observed by the scanning electron microscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance test. The results show that the quality of recycled fine aggregate is negatively correlated with its crushing value. The reason for the difference in crushing value of recycled fine aggregate is its different mineral composition. The mechanical properties of mortar prepared from recycled fine aggregate depend on the quality of recycled fine aggregate. The better the quality of recycled fine aggregate, the less the number of micro-defects and pores of recycled fine aggregate mortar. Compared to the ordinary waste concrete, the crushed product of waste reactive powder concrete contains only recycled fine aggregate and has a harder mineral composition, making it more suitable for use as a substitute for natural river sand.


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收稿日期: 2023-05-10。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51908075)。
作者简介: 刘桂凤(1973—), 女, 山东泰安人, 硕士, 副教授。通信联系人: 陈正发(1971—), E-mail: chenzhengfa@cczu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01